Land registers in EU countries


This section provides you with an overview of the Czech Republic's cadastre (property) register.

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What does the Czech cadastre register offer?

The Czech cadastre register contains both factual and legal information on property. On the register you can find cadastral maps and information on property owners.

Is access to the Czech cadastre register free of charge?

Browsing and searching the maps and basic information on property on the internet, including the names and addresses of owners, is free of charge.

Fees are payable for an official listing, either on paper or electronically by remote access, containing all information on legal relationships concerning property; fees may vary depending on the scope of the listing, but are normally CZK 100.

Searching the Czech cadastre register

The Czech cadastre register provides you with an advanced search engine for online searches

History of the Czech cadastre register

The electronic information system has been in use since 2001.

Last update: 15/06/2020

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