What does the Slovak Land Register offer?
The Slovak Land Register portal (Slovenský katastrálny portál) is hosted by the Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastre Authority of the Slovak Republic (Úrad geodésie, kartografie a katastra Slovenskej republiky), and a central government authority for land registers. The portal is operated and maintained by Geographic and Cartographic Institute Bratislava (Geodetický a kartografický ústav Bratislava).
The Portal provides legal and factual information about real estate ownership. It is updated once a week using data supplied by the respective land register offices. Search is available in Slovak and in English. The portal provides:
- selected data from the geographic information file - cadastral maps,
- selected data from the descriptive information file - information about parcels, structures, flats, non-residential premises and ownership documents,
- register of municipalities, register of cadastral districts,
- statistical reports,
- aggregate values by type of land,
- information about the status of proceedings before the land register,
- notifications of contemplated registration applications.
An ownership document (list vlastníctva) provides information about the property, its owners and the rights attaching to the property, as well as additional information on property-related rights. More specifically, it contains:
- a unique number,
- the name of the district in which the particular property is located,
- the name of the relevant municipality,
- the name of the cadastral district.
It consists of 3 parts:
Part A – Physical assets, which lists all the properties subject to property rights, detailing:
- acreage,
- types of parcels,
- a code denoting the permitted use of the land,
- relevance to the built-up area of the municipality,
- other explanatory details on matters related to part A.
Part B – Owners or other entitled persons, detailing:
- first name,
- surname,
- maiden name, or the name of the corporate owner or other entitled persons,
- date of birth,
- birth registration number, or the organisation’s registration number,
- co-ownership shares,
- title deed: acquisition under a public document or some other document,
- address of permanent residence or registered office,
- other explanatory details on matters related to part B.
Part C – Encumbrances, detailing:
- easements (the content of the easement, the designation of the person deriving benefit from the easement, including the record of the easement in this person’s ownership document),
- rights of lien (the designation of the lien creditor) and first option, if these are to have the effects of real rights (identification of beneficiaries of first option rights),
- other rights, if agreed upon as real rights,
- other explanatory details on matters related to part C,
- additions/corrections entered.
Part C does not include data on debt amounts.
Is access to the Slovak Land Register free of charge?
Information available at the Land Register portal is provided free of charge for everybody.
History of the Slovak Land Register
The Land Register portal has been in service since 2004. Since September 2007, information provided by the portal is free of charge by law.
Related links
website of Land Register portal, website of the Slovak Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastre Authority
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