Bankruptcy and insolvency registers


This section provides a brief overview of Latvia’s insolvency register.

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Information that can be found in the insolvency register managed by the Latvian Enterprise Register

The insolvency register contains information on:

  • administrators;
  • insolvency proceedings in respect of natural and legal persons;
  • legal protection proceedings;
  • non-judicial legal protection proceedings;
  • discharge of a debt of a natural person (only a national procedure).

The insolvency register is accessible to all and its entries have the status of official records. The information may be consulted free of charge.

The insolvency register is under the authority of the Latvian Enterprise Register (Uzņēmumu reģistrs).

Searching the insolvency register managed by the Latvian Enterprise Register


This section contains information on administrators, namely:

  • first name;
  • surname;
  • local address and contact information of the practice;
  • No of professional certificate;
  • validity of professional certificate.

Information on administrators whose professional activity has ceased can be found under Historical data (Vēsturiskie dati). All information entered in the insolvency register about each administrator can be found under the link Extract (Izziņa).


A search for information on a specific entity (natural or legal person) can be performed in the Search (Meklēšana) section of the register. Information can be searched using the following search criteria:

  • debtor’s registration number (for legal persons) or personal identification number (for natural persons);
  • debtor’s first name/surname or title;
  • period of commencement of proceedings;
  • type of proceedings (insolvency proceedings, legal protection proceedings, non-judicial legal protection proceedings, discharge of a debt of a natural person);
  • nature of proceedings (national, cross-border primary, cross-border secondary, main insolvency proceedings, secondary insolvency proceedings, territorial insolvency proceedings);
  • status of proceedings (ongoing proceedings, completed proceedings, all proceedings).

Search results feature a link to Extract (Izziņa), which provides free access to all entries made in the insolvency register of the Latvian Enterprise Register regarding specific proceedings, including scanned versions of the documents referred to in Article 9(4) of the Law on the enterprise register of the Republic of Latvia: agenda of creditors’ meeting and notification to creditors by the administrator about the creditors’ meeting.


A search for entries made on specific days can be performed in the Journal (Žurnāls) section of the register. By default, the entries are for the current day. To view entries made on other days, use can be made of the calendar or subsection Monthly Journal (Mēneša žurnāls). Each entry contains a link to Extract (Izziņa), where more detailed information can be found on the insolvency proceedings in question.


Statistical data on insolvency proceedings of legal persons and legal protection proceedings are available free of charge in the section on insolvency proceedings on Latvia’s open data portal.

History of the insolvency register managed by the Enterprise Register

The insolvency register contains information starting from 1 January 2008.

Additional information on the insolvency register managed by the Enterprise Register is available here, and on the Insolvency Control Service.

We would point out that information about any legal entity registered in the Enterprise Register is available on the register’s information website at Current information can be consulted/printed free of charge without authentication, while historical information can be consulted and documents in the public section consulted/downloaded after user authentication on the website.

If an extract of information drawn up by the Enterprise Register or copies of documents are needed, a written information request must be drawn up and a service fee paid (for more detailed information please see the homepage of the Enterprise Register).

Information may be requested and payment information submitted via the following channels:

  • electronically (information request must be signed with a secure electronic signature and bear a time stamp):
  • by post:
    • Register of Enterprises of the Republic of Latvia, Pērses iela 2, Riga, Latvia, LV-1011.
Last update: 24/05/2024

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