Jekk jogħġbok innota li l-verżjoni bil-lingwa oriġinali ta' din il-paġna il-Franċiż ġiet emendata reċentement. Il-verżjoni tal-lingwa li qed tara bħalissa attwalment qed tiġi ppreparata mit-tradutturi tagħna.
Jekk jogħġbok innota li dawn il-lingwi li ġejjin: il-Bulgaruiċ-Ċekid-Daniżil-Ġermaniżl-Estonjanil-GriegKroatit-Taljanil-Latvjanil-Litwanl-Ungeriżil-Maltil-Olandiżil-Portugiżir-Rumenis-Slovakkis-Slovenil-Finlandiżl-Isvediż diġà ġew tradotti.
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Legal translators/interpreters


Here you will find information on finding an interpreter to act in court proceedings or a translator, if necessary via an official website.

Il-kontenut ipprovdut minn
Ma hemm l-ebda traduzzjoni uffiċjali tal-verżjoni tal-lingwa li qed tara.
Hawnhekk tista' tara verżjoni tradotta awtomatikament ta' dan il-kontenut. Jekk jogħġbok innota li din hi pprovduta biss għal finijiet kuntestwali. Is-sid ta’ din il-paġna ma jaċċetta ebda responsabbiltà jew obbligazzjoni fir-rigward tal-kwalità ta’ dan it-test tradott b'mod awtomatiku.

How to find a translator in Belgium?

Belgium currently has two central official databases, one for court experts and one for translators, interpreters and translator-interpreters.

These were established pursuant to the Law of 10 April 2014.

Their official names are as follows:

  • The National Register of Court Experts (Registre national des experts judiciaires)
  • The National Register of Translators, Interpreters and Translator-Interpreters (Registre national des traducteurs, interprètes et traducteurs-interprètes)

The Law entered into force on 1 December 2016.

Since 15 June 2017, these registers have been open to the courts. This means that the registries and the state counsel's office will no longer keep lists of court experts or translators/interpreters.

At a later stage, the police will also have access to these registers.

Eventually, everyone will be able to consult the registers freely on the website of the Federal Public Service for Justice (Service public fédéral Justice).

Related links

National Registers of Translators/Interpreters and Court Experts

Last update: 20/09/2022

The national language version of this page is maintained by the respective Member State. The translations have been done by the European Commission service. Possible changes introduced in the original by the competent national authority may not be yet reflected in the translations. The European Commission accepts no responsibility or liability whatsoever with regard to any information or data contained or referred to in this document. Please refer to the legal notice to see copyright rules for the Member State responsible for this page.