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Victims' rights - by country


Content provided by:

Ministry of Justice

Ministry of the Interior, Witness Protection Unit

The Supreme State Prosecutor’s Office

Commission for the Protection of Endangered Persons

Social Work Centres

Society Ključ – Centre for Fight Against Trafficking in Human Beings

Association against Violent Communication

White Ring of Slovenia - Association for the Help to the Victims of Crime

Association for the Promotion and Development of the Quality of Life Papilot

SOS Help Line for Women and Children - Victims of Violence

Women’s Counselling

Ministry of Justice

The Ministry of Justice performs expert and logistic tasks for the Committee that decides on compensation claims. Its departments responsible for the protection of victims’ interests are Directorate for Justice Administration, Sector for Justice Supervision, etc.

The Ministry of Justice

  • provides for cooperation and exchange of information between the Commission for the Compensation to the Victims of Crime, the Police and the relevant authorities of other countries, according to the regulations of the respective countries competent for performance of tasks in relation to proceedings for compensation claims
  • provides the applicants with basic information on the possibilities and on the terms and conditions for claiming compensation in accordance with the manual drawn up by the European Commission
  • is also the competent authority to receive claims for compensation of other EU Member States’ citizens who were victims of crimes, committed within the territory of the Republic of Slovenia


Ministry of the Interior, Witness Protection Unit

The Ministry of the Interior has a special unit of the police responsible for protection of victims’ interests called the Witness Protection Unit. It proposes, organises and implements the measures of protection under the witness protection programme.

The Witness Protection Unit under the Ministry of the Interior

  • proposes, organises and implements the measures of protection under the witness protection programme
  • requires all governmental bodies, state and local institutions and authorities to provide the assistance necessary for the implementation of the measures and tasks of the witness protection
  • cooperates with other organisational units of police; it directs and coordinates their work


The Supreme State Prosecutor's Office

The Supreme State Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Slovenia is the highest-ranking prosecutor's office in the country, within which operate supreme and higher state prosecutors, district state prosecutors assigned to the Supreme State Prosecutor's Office for performing demanding professional tasks, and state prosecutors operating within the group of state prosecutors for the prosecution of organised crime.

The Supreme State Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Slovenia

  • is organised into four departments (the criminal law department, the civil and administrative affairs department, the department of state prosecutor supervision and the appeals department), an expert centre and a legal information centre
  • decides on disputes over the jurisdiction between district state prosecutors' offices and on transferring territorial jurisdiction to another district state prosecutors’ office, where appropriate, to facilitate the completion of the proceedings or for other substantive reasons
  • has group of state prosecutors for the prosecution of organised crime which is responsible for prosecuting the perpetrators of criminal offences in the area of "classical" organised crime and economic crime, terrorism, offences connected with corruption and other offences where detection and prosecution require special organisation and skills


Commission for the Protection of Endangered Persons

The Commission for the Protection of Endangered Persons decides on the inclusion of specific persons in the witness protection programme and the termination of such programme.

The Commission for the Protection of Endangered Persons

  • has four members: a Supreme Court Judge, a Supreme State Prosecutor, a representative of the Ministry for Justice and a representative of the Ministry of the Interior
  • decides on the inclusion of specific persons in the witness protection programme and the termination of such programme

Information on the members of the Commission may only be provided at the request of the court for the purpose of a criminal proceeding.

Social Work Centres

The Social Work Centres are public social care institutions. A multidisciplinary team is formed at each Social Work Centre to deal with the instances of family violence. Such team prepares the aid plans for particular victims of family violence.

The Social Work Centres

  • are public social care institutions, of which there are more than 60 in Slovenia
  • provide to the victim and perpetrator of violence services according to the law, regulating the field of social security
  • take care for the victim’s long-term safety by eliminating causes or circumstances in which violence is present, and finding solutions for their social and material conditions required for existence
  • draw up an aid plan for the victim if long-term action needs to be taken to establish a safe environment for them

For the contact details of all Social Work Centres click here.

Society Ključ – Centre for Fight Against Trafficking in Human Beings

The Society Ključ is a non-governmental, non-profit and humanitarian oriented organisation. It is the strongest Slovene organisation regarding preventive and curative activities in the field of fighting trafficking in human beings.

The Society Ključ

  • offers care and (re)integration programme for victims of trafficking which includes counselling interviews, providing documents, help with personal and professional growth
  • has a programme for child abuse prevention (CAP) which contains workshops for children and a presentation for parents and school personnel and aims to present to children, in a way appropriate to their age, how to recognise potentially dangerous situations and how to respond to them
  • has a programme in Asylum Home and Aliens detention centre where individuals at risk, namely juveniles and all women, are informed about trafficking in human beings and violence


Association against Violent Communication

The Association against Violent Communication is a non-governmental organisation founded in 1996, dedicated to violence prevention and spreading principles of non-violent communication.

The Association Against Violent Communication

  • has three primary objectives: to reduce society’s tolerance to violence, help those who commit violence to change their behaviour, and help those who experience violence
  • strives for an integrated solution to the problem of violence
  • aims to prevent violence and to mitigate its consequences with programmes for those who experience violence and those who commit it
  • organises preventive and educational activities to raise awareness of the occurrences of violence among the professional community and general public: telephone line, e-mail or mail for information and counselling in the field of violence


White Ring of Slovenia - Association for the Help to the Victims of Crime

The White Ring of Slovenia is part of a wide network of White Ring associations across Europe, which was established in December 2003. It is a network (ring), entered by victims in need of assistance and those who can help them.

The White Ring of Slovenia

  • provides material assistance in the form of financial contributions, legal and psycho-social assistance to victims of crime
  • has educational programmes for professionals who work with victims
  • protects the rights of victims and advocates on behalf of victims in proceedings before state authorities
  • cooperates with governmental and non-governmental organisations providing help and care for victims of crime
  • networks with similar organisations in an international network of services for the victims of crime


Association for the Promotion and Development of the Quality of Life Papilot

Papilot is a non-governmental and non-profit organisation, which provides help, advice or information to victims of crime or any other form of violence. It also runs several programmes for the prevention of unemployment and implementation of active employment policy.

The Association for the Promotion and Development of the Quality of Life Papilot

  • provides psycho-social assistance to crime victims guided by a vision of providing an integrated intervention in order to improve victims’ interpersonal relationships and their social status
  • organises a centre for daily care for the elderly
  • helps victims by providing addresses of governmental and non-governmental organisations and institutions
  • organises help centres which provide help, advice or information for victims of crime


SOS Help Line for Women and Children - Victims of Violence

The SOS Help Line for Women and Children - Victims of Violence implements different forms of psychosocial support for women and children – victims of domestic violence. It provides counselling and information via a free telephone line and shelter (safe housing), and organises self-help groups.

The SOS Help Line for Women and Children – Victims of Violence

  • is intended primarily for women, children, adolescent girls and boys who experience domestic violence or violence by their partners, relatives, violence at the work place or in other relationships
  • provides counselling and informative talk with a competent female counsellor on a free telephone help-line
  • provides shelter for women with or without children, in need of a safe space to avoid violence they had experienced from their partners, within family or from relatives
  • organises self-help groups for women which main aim is the exchange of experience between women who had experienced or are still experiencing violence


Women’s Counselling

The Women’s Counselling, established in 1993, is a voluntary women’s organisation (from October 1994 formally an association), operating in the field of psycho-social support and self-help of women who are victims of violence or suffer from eating disorders.

The Women’s Counselling

  • offers free counselling, advocacy, information on the responsibilities of public service, and assistance in organising self-help groups
  • publicly calls attention to the social circumstances that often contribute to victimisation of women, fights various forms of discrimination against women, and advocates for the rights of women
  • provides information and advice on organisations where women can seek appropriate help


Last update: 23/02/2018

The national language version of this page is maintained by the respective Member State. The translations have been done by the European Commission service. Possible changes introduced in the original by the competent national authority may not be yet reflected in the translations. The European Commission accepts no responsibility or liability whatsoever with regard to any information or data contained or referred to in this document. Please refer to the legal notice to see copyright rules for the Member State responsible for this page.