Prebiehajúce postupy a konania v oblasti civilnej justície, ktoré sa začali v prechodnom období, budú podľa práva EÚ ďalej prebiehať. Na portáli elektronickej justície budú na základe vzájomnej dohody so Spojeným kráľovstvom príslušné informácie týkajúce sa Spojeného kráľovstva uverejnené do konca roku 2024.

Victims' rights - by country

Severné Írsko

Autor obsahu
Severné Írsko

I am a victim of crime who do I contact for support and assistance?

Victim Support NI offers information about support services near. See Victim Charter and Witness Charter.

Victim support hotline

The Victim Information Service includes a victim information line: +44 808 168 9293.

Is victim support free?


What types of support can I receive from state services or authorities?

The police and the Victim and Witness Care Unit must provide you with information about where and how to get advice or support, including access to medical support, any specialist support (such as psychological support) and alternative accommodation.

What types of support can I receive from non-governmental organisations?

Many non-government organisations and charities provide assistance, support advice, counselling and other general and specialised services to victims of crime, nationality, regionally and locally.

Last update: 14/03/2019

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