Bankruptcy & insolvency registers - search for insolvent debtors in the EU

New version of the Insolvency Registers Interconnection search interface.

About the Service

A new version of the Insolvency Registers Interconnection search interface is now available here in accordance with Article 25 of Regulation (EU) 2015/848 of the European Parliament and of the Council.

Member State information






The Netherlands
















About this service

Information provided by the European Commission

This service allows you to request a search and to get information about insolvency proceedings that have been opened in the territory of the EU Member States [1] and are registered in those national registers that are interconnected in accordance with Article 25 of Regulation (EU) 2015/848 of the European Parliament and of the Council.

This system is a service interconnecting the decentralized national insolvency registers of the Member States and does not constitute a centralised EU insolvency register. Consequently, no data is stored or maintained on the Commission systems. Your request is sent to the national registers and the reply is sent back within a few seconds.

The service offers a simple search by the name of the debtor and by Registration ID (company registration number or personal identification) in the insolvency registers of the Member States [2].

The advanced search and search of insolvency proceedings of individual debtors [3] allows users to search using different criteria according to the national insolvency law of each Member State [4]. For instructions on how to search in the registers of each Member State — e.g. the use of special characters — please refer to their rules on accessing national insolvency information. For these rules, see Member State information below.

To use the service, please enter your search request and tick the box confirming that you have read and understood the terms and conditions and that you accept them. Then click on ‘search’. You will be asked to enter a confirmation code to prove that you are a human being (so called CAPTCHA filter).

The search results will be displayed in alphabetical order. You can also sort them by country.

The following messages may also appear, indicating the country to which they refer to:

  • Your query did not satisfy the minimum national search criteria. Please refer to the information page and make a valid query using the advanced search.
  • Maximum number of results exceeded. Some results were not displayed. Please refine your query and try again.
  • No records were found matching your query.
  • Service unavailable. Please re-submit your request later (meaning there is some problem with the network or the web application).

Clicking on a result will take you to the information stored in the country’s insolvency register and display the selected insolvency record.

All insolvency records are composed by a core set of common information for all member states as follows:

  • The date of opening of the insolvency proceedings – 24.2(a) – mandatory;
    (Notice: If there is no date of opening of the insolvency proceedings in the records of a Member State then the date 03/01/0001 will be displayed in the record details page.)
  • 'Case reference number' – 24.2(b) – optional;
  • 'Type' presenting the type of insolvency proceedings based on a list of predefined values centrally managed by the Commission. This list corresponds to the values defined in Annex A – 24.2(c) – mandatory;
  • 'Sub-type' presenting the sub-type of insolvency proceedings based on a list of predefined values centrally managed by the Commission – optional;
  • 'Jurisdiction' presenting the jurisdiction for opening the proceedings – 24.2(d) - mandatory;
  • The date of closing of main insolvency proceedings – 24.2(i) – optional;
  • 'Debtor' section presenting information on the debtor:
    • Either as a company/legal person – 24.2(e);
    • Or as an individual – 24.2(f).
  • 'Court' section, which represents the court opening the insolvency proceedings – 24.2(b);
  • 'Insolvency Practitioner(s)' appointed in the proceedings – 24.2(g), whose role for the concerned proceedings can be refined via 'Practitioner Role';
  • 'Information for Claim' presenting the information for lodging claims – 24.2(h);
  • 'Information for Appeal' presenting the information for challenging the decision opening insolvency proceedings – 24.2(j).

Given the differences of insolvency laws in the Member States, Member States have the possibility, whether necessary, to extend the core set of common information defining an Insolvency Record with information specific to each Member State. For further details, please refer to the country’s rules on accessing national insolvency information.

Although searches can be done in 22 official EU languages and most of the information is available in these languages, some information on the results page will only be displayed in the language(s) of the Member State in question. This is usually case-specific information, such as an extract from a court decision, which unfortunately we cannot translate.

If you have any more questions about the service, or want to give us feedback or share your ideas with us, please use the ‘your feedback’ function on the home page.

Member State information

Information provided by Member States

Austria – Insolvency register

1 Where does the insolvency data come from? Which is the national body responsible for the operation and information provision of this insolvency data?

Austrian Federal Ministry of Justice

The public notification is done by the insolvency courts.

2 Are there specific rules and prerequisite search criteria on accessing national insolvency information for this register?

The Austrian insolvency register provides a query for simple and advanced search. The register is public available and there are no specific rules for the access to the Austrian insolvency register.

3 What are the terms and conditions of use governing access to the national insolvency data of this register? Are there any restrictions on the re-use of insolvency data and/or copyright rules applicable?

The Federal Ministry of Justice has no objections against the usage of the insolvency information as long as it is clear that the insolvency information is published by independent courts and the directive 96/9/EG of the European parliament and the European Council about the legal protection of registers is considered.

We do not guarantee that a document accessible through the pages of the European e-Justice Portal exactly corresponds to the officially adopted text. Only acts of the Republic of Austria which are published in the legally prescribed way are legally binding. Please mind the Austrian copyright notice under "legal notice".

4 For how long is the insolvency information made available? What are the national rules in this regard?

The insolvency information is available till legal deletion period eventuates.

Please refer to the regulations of Austrian Insolvency Statute.

5 Who is the national data controller responsible for the information data, whom should I contact if I have a data protection concern, question or request?

The Austrian Insolvency register is hosted by the Federal Ministry of Justice in cooperation with the Federal Computing Centre

Bundesministerium für Justiz
1070 Wien, Museumstraße 7
Palais Trautson

Bundesrechenzentrum GmbH
1030 Wien, Hintere Zollamtsstraße 4

6 What is the guaranteed technical availability of the national register hosting insolvency information?

Supported operation: Monday – Friday 07:00 – 17:00
Unsupported operation 7x24 h

7 Where can I find more information?

Belgium - Regsol

1 Where does the insolvency data come from? Which is the national body responsible for the operation and information provision of this insolvency data?

Central Solvency Register

2 Are there specific rules and prerequisite search criteria on accessing national insolvency information for this register?

The Registry allows creditors, counsel and interested third parties to access and interact with electronic insolvency files administered by the courts.

3 What are the terms and conditions of use governing access to the national insolvency data of this register? Are there any restrictions on the re-use of insolvency data and/or copyright rules applicable?

In order to use the Registry, you must first create an account and accept the terms of usage.

4 For how long is the insolvency information made available? What are the national rules in this regard?

The Register contains data and documents of insolvency cases, i.e. all pending bankruptcies and judicial reorganization proceedings; bankruptcies already opened by the start of RegSol on 1 April 2017, which will be processed further in the register from then on, and all the new bankruptcies files in full from 01 April 2017 onwards. It also contains the judicial reorganization proceedings as from 1st May, 2018.

5 Who is the national data controller responsible for the information data, whom should I contact if I have a data protection concern, question or request?

If you have a question, and /or want to file a complaint concerning the processing of data, please contact the Data Protection Officer through email:

6 Where can I find more information?

Central Solvency Register

Bulgaria - AIS for bankruptcy and stabilization proceedings.

1 Where does the insolvency data come from? Which is the national body responsible for the operation and information provision of this insolvency data?

Data on insolvency come from court proceedings.

The national body responsible for the operation and information provision of these data is the Ministry of Justice.

2 Are there specific rules and prerequisite search criteria on accessing national insolvency information for this register?

There are no specific rules on accessing national insolvency information.

3 What are the terms and conditions of use governing access to the national insolvency data of this register? Are there any restrictions on the re-use of insolvency data and/or copyright rules applicable?

The information is public. There are no restrictions on the re-use of insolvency data and/or copyright rules applicable.

4 For how long is the insolvency information made available? What are the national rules in this regard?

The insolvency information is available permanently.

5 Who is the national data controller responsible for the information data, whom should I contact if I have a data protection concern, question or request?

The national insolvency system is under the authority of Ministry of Justice.

Ministry of Justice
Sofia 1040
1 Slavyanska str.


6 What is the guaranteed technical availability of the national register hosting insolvency information?

The register is available 24/7, subject to technical maintenance.

7 Where can I find more information?

European e-Justice Portal (Bankruptcy and insolvency registers - Bulgaria)

Commercial register and register of non-profit legal entities

Ministry of Justice


1 Where does the insolvency data come from? Which is the national body responsible for the operation and information provision of this insolvency data?

The insolvency data are published by the local courts. In Germany 191 local courts are responsible for the insolvency cases. The data are "technically" published by the Ministry of Justice of NRW on behalf of all federal states (“German Länder”) on the national website.

2 Are there specific rules and prerequisite search criteria on accessing national insolvency information for this register?

As of June 30, 2021 all data regarding companies, business and self-employed people could be found without restrictions, if the insolvency proceedings were open on or after June 26, 2018.

3 What are the terms and conditions of use governing access to the national insolvency data of this register? Are there any restrictions on the re-use of insolvency data and/or copyright rules applicable?

The only restriction is that the insolvency data must not be available via another website longer than via the main German website.

4 For how long is the insolvency information made available? What are the national rules in this regard?

The data are published for a maximum period of 6 months after the final/last decision of the court. After that period it is deleted automatically. Exception and different setting may apply as this is within the ruling of each insolvency court.

5 Who is the national data controller responsible for the information data, whom should I contact if I have a data protection concern, question or request?

Responsible for the data is each of the 191 insolvency courts in the federal states (“German Länder”). Please contact these court using the national court database.

For the portal (and not the data!) you might contact:

Ministry of Justice of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia
40212 Düsseldorf

6 What is the guaranteed technical availability of the national register hosting insolvency information?

The website is regularly available 24/7, but there is only a guarantee of service between 06:00 and 20:00 from Monday until Friday.

7 Where can I find more information?

The national Insolvey Statute (INsolvenzordnung – InsO) is available here (also in English translation)

II. There is a one-paragraph text area envisaged on the Advanced Search page for your Member State (register). This space is quite limited and normally should be used to concisely describe the specificities regarding specific advanced search rules users have to keep in mind. If such rules cannot be accommodated in one paragraph a reference has to be given to the general information page where these are elaborated. In case you do not have such rules you can and should use this space for a short introductory text. At any rate please provide the text to be used below:

The search mask have to be filled correctly. If you are unaware of the correct spelling, use wildcards. For mutated vowels please use “ue” for “ü”, “ae” for “ä” or a wildcard (*).

Estonia – Central Commercial Register e-Business Register

1 Where does the insolvency data come from? Which is the national body responsible for the operation and information provision of this insolvency data?

Estonia does not have a separate insolvency register, but information on bankruptcy proceedings and debt adjustment proceedings of legal entities and natural persons is available in the official electronic publication Ametlikud Teadaanded (Official Announcements).

In Estonia it is the county courts that hear bankruptcy cases (insolvency proceedings). After declaring bankruptcy, the court must immediately publish announcement in the Official Announcements.

The publisher and controller of Official Announcements is the Ministry of Justice.

2 Are there specific rules and prerequisite search criteria on accessing national insolvency information for this register?

There are no specific rules on accessing national insolvency information. You can search for legal entities and natural persons information by name or registry code/personal identification code.

3 What are the terms and conditions of use governing access to the national insolvency data of this register? Are there any restrictions on the re-use of insolvency data and/or copyright rules applicable?

Data/notices in the Official Announcements are public until the proceedings come to an end. After that the announcements will be archived and is not publicly searchable.

Court judgments which have entered into force can be found in the Estonian State Gazette website.

4 For how long is the insolvency information made available? What are the national rules in this regard?

Insolvency information in the Official Announcements and via the European e-Justice Portal are available until the proceedings come to an end. After that the announcements will be archived, with the exception of announcements concerning the termination of proceedings, which remain public for three years.

Archived notices/proceedings are stored for 30 years after archiving them. Archived notices are not publicly available.

The national rules for termination of publication of notices comes from the Statutes of Official Announcements.

5 Who is the national data controller responsible for the information data, whom should I contact if I have a data protection concern, question or request?

The controller of the Estonian Official Announcements is the Ministry of Justice.

Full Name: Justiitsministeerium
Postal Address: Suur-Ameerika 1, 10122, Tallinn
Country: Estonia

Phone/Fax/Email (optional): (372) 620 8100,


If you want to file a complaint concerning the processing of data in the Estonian Commercial Register, please contact the Data Protection Inspectorate:

Andmekaitse Inspektsioon
Tatari 39, Tallinn 10134

(+372) 627 4135,

6 What is the guaranteed technical availability of the national register hosting insolvency information?

The website is available 24/7, but there is only a guarantee of service between 8 am and 6 pm from Monday to Friday.

7 Where can I find more information?

European e-Justice Portal (Bankruptcy and insolvency registers - Estonia)

Official Announcements website

Central Commercial Register

Public Insolvency Register of Spain

(Registro Público Concursal)

1 Where does the insolvency data come from? Which is the national body responsible for the operation and information provision of this insolvency data?

The Insolvency Public Register depends on the Ministry of Justice, which entrusts its management to the Public Law Corporation of Land and Mercantile, and movable property Registrars Association of Spain.

With regard to the operation of the Insolvency Public Register, are the Courts, Solicitors, Commercial Registrars, Notaries and other public registers that provide the information on the different insolvency proceedings and out-of-court settlement files to be included in the Insolvency Public Register.

To provide information to the public on the working of the Act, it is published here.

2 Are there specific rules and prerequisite search criteria on accessing national insolvency information for this register?

Access to the content published in the Insolvency Public Register of Insolvency is public, free of charge and permanent, without the need to justify or express any legitimate interest.

3 What are the terms and conditions of use governing access to the national insolvency data of this register? Are there any restrictions on the re-use of insolvency data and/or copyright rules applicable?

The data and information published on the Public Insolvency Register are limited to Insolvency applications in accordance with the Insolvency law, being the re-use of data to other uses not authorized.

4 For how long is the insolvency information made available? What are the national rules in this regard?

The personal data included in the insolvency resolutions and in the registration agreements inserted in the Public Insolvency Register in any of its sections will be cancelled in accordance with article 6 of Royal Decree 892/2013, of November 15th, which regulates the Public Insolvency Registry. Generally, the personal data included in the insolvency resolutions and in the registration agreements inserted in the Public Insolvency Register in any of its sections will be cancelled within the month following the end of their effects.

5 Who is the national data controller responsible for the information data, whom should I contact if I have a data protection concern, question or request?

The person responsible of the treatment is:

General Management of Legal Certainty and Public Faith
Plaza Jacinto Benavente, 3, Madrid

The person in charge of the treatment is:

Land and Mercantile, and movable property Registrars Association of Spain
Street Diego de León, 21, Madrid

6 What is the guaranteed technical availability of the national register hosting insolvency information?

Registration is available 24/7. Insolvency data is only unavailable during technical maintenance periods.

7 Where can I find more information?

Bankruptcy and insolvency registers - Spain

Ministry of justice

Registro Público Concursal

Registrars Association of Spain

France – Insolvency Registry (Registre des Insolvabilités), part of the French Commercial and Companies Registry (Registre du Commerce et des Sociétés -RCS)

1 Where does the insolvency data come from? Which is the national body responsible for the operation and information provision of this insolvency data?

Insolvency data comes from a centralised national database, named “Registre des Insolvabilités”, updated every day with data flows from each French local court databases.

  • Each local court is responsible for collecting insolvency information related to its jurisdiction and transmitting it to the centralized national database
  • Infogreffe is the national body in charge of publishing the information and make it available to third parties when authorized: official documents related to insolvency procedures can be purchased from

2 Are there specific rules and prerequisite search criteria on accessing national insolvency information for this register?

France makes available only simple search mode with the current version.

Here are the available search criteria - At least two of them must be provided to trigger the search :

  • Name of the searched debtor
  • National registration number (in France it refers to « SIREN »)
  • Maximum results number to be returned in the response

Information is provided if the procedure information comply with below rules:

  • Procedure is already started (no information provided per anticipation)
  • Procedure is not registered as confidential
  • Available provided procedure types are:
    • Safeguard Procedure
    • Fast-track Safeguard Procedure
    • Financial Safeguard Procedure
    • Judicial Reorganisation
    • Legal Liquidation
  • Parent company must be in France
  • Debtor belongs to the defendant parties
  • Debtor name belongs to words typed into the corresponding search field ; words are treated regardless accents, case, nor any priority in typed words when several provided
  • Typed national registration number (Siren) must exactly fit the existing one in register when used.

3 What are the terms and conditions of use governing access to the national insolvency data of this register? Are there any restrictions on the re-use of insolvency data and/or copyright rules applicable?

Terms and conditions of use are described here.

As public data, there is no restriction on the use of insolvency data provided on the e justice portal.

4 For how long is the insolvency information made available? What are the national rules in this regard?

Decree n ° 2020-106 of February 10, 2020 made in application of article 3 of law n ° 2019-486 of May 22, 2019 known as the “Pacte law” reduced to two years from the plan decree the period at the end of which the automatic deletion of notices to the French Commercial and Companies Registry (Registre du Commerce et des Sociétés -RCS) concerning the decisions provided for in article R. 123-122, whether for the safeguard plan or for the recovery plan, takes place. This deletion period is temporarily reduced to one year from the termination of the plan by order 2020-596 of May 20, 2020 adapting the rules relating to difficulties of the companies to the consequences of the covid-19 epidemic. This provision is applicable until July 17, 2021 at the latest.

5 Who is the national data controller responsible for the information data, whom should I contact if I have a data protection concern, question or request?


5/7 Avenue de Paris, 94300 Vincennes


6 What is the guaranteed technical availability of the national register hosting insolvency information?

The national register is guaranteed to be available during working hours.

7 Where can I find more information?

More information about France Insolvency procedures can be found here.

Croatia - The Insolvency Register

1 Where does the insolvency data come from? Which is the national body responsible for the operation and information provision of this insolvency data?

The insolvency data come from courts where bankruptcy and other insolvency proceedings are conducted and are updated once a day on this webpage.

The Ministry of Justice and Public Administration provides technical preconditions for the operation of the Insolvency Register. However, all the Register data are under the jurisdiction of the court where the procedure is conducted. Therefore, remarks and questions regarding the accuracy or interpretation of the data should be addressed to the court.

2 Are there specific rules and prerequisite search criteria on accessing national insolvency information for this register?

Insolvency Register can be searched by:

  • name of the legal or natural person
  • OIB (personal identification number)
  • MBS (court registration number of the company)
  • court name
  • time of initiating the procedure.

Each search must contain at least one of the following search criteria: name of the legal or natural person, OIB and MBS. A search that does not contain at least one of the listed criteria is not possible.

The search will always return a maximum of 200 results that meet the specified criteria, sorted by name of the legal or natural person.

No registration is required to access the Insolvency Register.

3 What are the terms and conditions of use governing access to the national insolvency data of this register? Are there any restrictions on the re-use of insolvency data and/or copyright rules applicable?

Information about insolvency is publicly available and accessible through the web page Registar nesolventnosti, free of charge. However, it is not allowed to download the images, data and other software and design solutions of the web page. Furthermore, the processing of personal data should be governed by the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 on the protection of natural persons regarding the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data.

4 For how long is the insolvency information made available? What are the national rules in this regard?

The insolvency data is permanently available. In addition, the Insolvency Register includes data regarding restructuring and insolvency proceedings where the opening of the proceeding was issued no earlier than 1 September 2015 and regarding consumers' insolvency proceedings no earlier than 1 January 2016.

5 Who is the national data controller responsible for the information data, whom should I contact if I have a data protection concern, question or request?

For technical questions regarding the web page, you should contact the Ministry of Justice and Public Administration ( For data protection and data accuracy, you should contact a court.

6 What is the guaranteed technical availability of the national register hosting insolvency information?

The Insolvency Register is available on Internet 24/7, but guaranteed technical availability is during working days from 8:00 to 16:00 CET. The Register could be unavailable during the technical maintenance periods.

7 Where can I find more information?

More information can be found on the European e-Justice Portal or Ministry of Justice and Public Administration web page:

Bankruptcy and insolvency registers - Croatia

Registar nesolventnosti

Cyprus – The Insolvency Register

1 Where does the insolvency data come from? Which is the national body responsible for the operation and information provision of this insolvency data?

In Cyprus the Department of Insolvency (Ministry of Energy, Commerce and Industry) is responsible for the maintenance and publication of the national insolvency register information.

2 Are there specific rules and prerequisite search criteria on accessing national insolvency information for this register?

Currently the national insolvency registry provides information regarding winding up and bankruptcy insolvency proceedings. The search can be done either by the debtor’s name or by the debtor’s registration ID. There are not any specific rules for the access to the national insolvency registry.

3 What are the terms and conditions of use governing access to the national insolvency data of this register? Are there any restrictions on the re-use of insolvency data and/or copyright rules applicable?

The national insolvency register information is publicly available and the access to information is provided free.

4 For how long is the insolvency information made available? What are the national rules in this regard?

The insolvency information will be available until legal deletion period happens.

5 Who is the national data controller responsible for the information data, whom should I contact if I have a data protection concern, question or request?

The national insolvency register is under the authority of the Department of Insolvency (Ministry of Energy, Commerce and Industry)

Ms. Areti Charalambous, Officer

Corner Gerasimou Markora
Michalacopoulou Str. 19
1075 Nicosia-Cyprus

Tel: +357-22458576


6 What is the guaranteed technical availability of the national register hosting insolvency information?

The access to the national register is available 24/7. The technical support is guaranteed between 7:30am to 3pm, from Monday to Friday (except public holidays).

7 Where can I find more information?

Information on national insolvency framework and insolvency proceedings is available on the following website.


1 Where does the insolvency data come from? Which is the national body responsible for the operation and information provision of this insolvency data?

Ireland has three sources of Insolvency Data

Insolvency Service of Ireland (ISI)

The data comes from the Statutory Insolvency Registers

Insolvency Service of Ireland
Phoenix House
Conyngham Road
Dublin 8

Office of the Examiner of the High Court

Bankruptcy data comes from the adjudications made by the High Court which are published on the Bankruptcy Register on-line by the Courts Service

The Companies Registration Office (CRO)

Bloom House
Gloucester Place Lower
Dublin 1

2 Are there specific rules and prerequisite search criteria on accessing national insolvency information for this register?

Insolvency Service of Ireland (ISI)

The search must be by debtor’s name or Court Record Number

The registers are available online at

Office of the Examiner of the High Court

Searches done through the EU Portal will display cases with a post opening date of 26 June 2017.

Cases opened prior to that date can be searched in the national register.

You can search for individuals by name, address, or the record number if this is available to you.

The Companies Registration Office (CRO)

Search only by company name or company number. Searches must be a minimum of 3 characters.

3 What are the terms and conditions of use governing access to the national insolvency data of this register? Are there any restrictions on the re-use of insolvency data and/or copyright rules applicable?

Insolvency Service of Ireland (ISI)

Office of the Examiner of the High Court

Terms and conditions of use are described here

There are no restrictions on the use of the Bankruptcy data.

The Companies Registration Office (CRO)

A full set of terms and conditions can be found at:

4 For how long is the insolvency information made available? What are the national rules in this regard?

Insolvency Service of Ireland (ISI)

The information is available until the individual insolvency arrangement has been completed or removed from the register by virtue of early completion of the term of the arrangement

Office of the Examiner of the High Court

The data is available permanently on the Bankruptcy Register on-line.

The Companies Registration Office (CRO)

The information on CRO is available permanently.

5 Who is the national data controller responsible for the information data, whom should I contact if I have a data protection concern, question or request?

Insolvency Service of Ireland (ISI)

Mr John Phelan
Insolvency Service of Ireland
Phoenix House
Conyngham Road
Dublin 8

Office of the Examiner of the High Court

The Court is responsible for the data contained on the Bankruptcy Register on-line.

The Register is maintained by the Bankruptcy Court Registrar who can be contacted by emailing

The Companies Registration Office (CRO)

Maureen O’Sullivan
The Companies Registration Office (CRO)
Bloom House
Gloucester Place Lower
Dublin 1

6 What is the guaranteed technical availability of the national register hosting insolvency information?

Insolvency Service of Ireland (ISI)

The Personal Insolvency Registers are available to search 24 hours a day. Technical availability target is an availability planned uptime of 99.9% within the hours of 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday. It may be unavailable for short periods due to essential technical maintenance.

Office of the Examiner of the High Court

The Bankruptcy Register on-line may be unavailable for short periods due to essential technical maintenance.

The Companies Registration Office (CRO)

Register is available to search 24 hours a day. Technical availability target is an availability planned uptime of 99% within the hours of 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday. It is unavailable for short periods due to technical maintenance.

7 Where can I find more information?

Insolvency Service of Ireland (ISI)



Office of the Examiner of the High Court

More information can be found by accessing or by contacting the Office of the Examiner of the High Court at

The Companies Registration Office (CRO)

Website: CRO Homepage


Further details on individual companies and an option to purchase documentation filed with the CRO can be found here

Lithuania - Audit, valuation and insolvency information system (AVNIS)

1 Where does the insolvency data come from? Which is the national body responsible for the operation and information provision of this insolvency data?

Insolvency information is obtained from AVNIS. The Authority of Audit, Accounting, Property Valuation and Insolvency Management under the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Lithuania (AVNT) is responsible for the management of insolvency data and the provision of information.

2 Are there specific rules and prerequisite search criteria on accessing national insolvency information for this register?

There are no specific rules on accessing national insolvency information. You can search for a legal entity by name, by registry code, by registration county / district. Natural persons can be found by name, surname.

3 What are the terms and conditions of use governing access to the national insolvency data of this register? Are there any restrictions on the re-use of insolvency data and/or copyright rules applicable?

The Lithuanian insolvency information is made public. The access to information is provided for free to all interested persons, according to law.

4 For how long is the insolvency information made available? What are the national rules in this regard?

The insolvency information is available permanently.

5 Who is the national data controller responsible for the information data, whom should I contact if I have a data protection concern, question or request?

AVNT is in charge for the insolvency data of Lithuania.

The Authority of Audit, Accounting, Property Valuation and Insolvency Management. under the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Lithuania
Rinktinės g. 48A, LT-09318
Vilnius, Lithuania

Telephone +370 5 212 5464,


6 What is the guaranteed technical availability of the national register hosting insolvency information?

The insolvency data is available 24/7.

7 Where can I find more information?

Bankruptcy and insolvency registers - Lithuania

Audito, apskaitos, turto vertinimo ir nemokumo valdymo tarnyba

Luxembourg – « Registre de Commerce et des Sociétés » (Trade and Companies Register).

1 Where does the insolvency data come from? Which is the national body responsible for the operation and information provision of this insolvency data?

The insolvency data are provided by the Luxembourg Trade and Companies Register and originate from the Luxembourg judicial courts. Data are accessible here. The national body responsible for this register is LUXEMBOURG BUSINESS REGISTERS, under the supervision of the Ministry of justice.

2 Are there specific rules and prerequisite search criteria on accessing national insolvency information for this register?

The register is public and accessible for free on the internet portal of LUXEMBOURG BUSINESS REGISTERS. The list of insolvency decisions issued by the Luxembourg courts is available on a monthly basis.

Data may be searched by the name of the natural person, the name or business name of the legal person or registered entity or by means of the registration number in the Trade and Companies Register. Please note that a search based on the name of the insolvency practitioner might be added at a later stage.

3 What are the terms and conditions of use governing access to the national insolvency data of this register? Are there any restrictions on the re-use of insolvency data and/or copyright rules applicable?

The re-use of accessible documents and information must not be in breach of public policy and must comply with the applicable legal provisions, in particular those relating to the protection of personal data.

In all cases, the user is solely responsible for the re-use of documents and information made available to the public by LUXEMBOURG BUSINESS REGISTERS within the framework of the legislation and regulations governing the Trade and Companies Register (which includes the insolvency register).

The terms and conditions of use are available here.

4 For how long is the insolvency information made available? What are the national rules in this regard?

Documents relating to the Trade and Companies Register in general and the insolvency information in particular shall be kept for 20 years after the striking off of the business name or the name to which they relate to.

5 Who is the national data controller responsible for the information data, whom should I contact if I have a data protection concern, question or request?

To the DPO
14 rue Erasme L-1468 Luxembourg

6 What is the guaranteed technical availability of the national register hosting insolvency information?

The national register hosting insolvency information website is available 24/7 except during technical maintenance periods. However, LUXEMBOURG BUSINESS REGISTER cannot be held responsible in case of unavailability of the application or in the event of malfunctioning of the Internet network or disruption of services linked to technical elements over which it has no control.

The helpdesk (hotline) is open from Monday to Friday from 8:00 to 17:30 without interruption.

7 Where can I find more information?

Republic of Latvia – Insolvency Register

1 Where does the insolvency data come from? Which is the national body responsible for the operation and information provision of this insolvency data?

The Insolvency Register contains data on insolvency proceedings initiated from 1 January 2008, except for insolvency proceedings of credit institutions, and they are recorded on the basis of data and documents from courts, the Insolvency Control Service, administrators of insolvency proceedings and supervisory persons. The Register of Enterprises of the Republic of Latvia is responsible for the maintenance of the Insolvency Register.

2 Are there specific rules and prerequisite search criteria on accessing national insolvency information for this register?

The information is freely (without authentication) available here according to the following search criteria:

  • Registration number / Personal ID number of debtor;
  • Name of debtor;
  • Period for initiation of proceedings;
  • Form of legal proceedings;
  • Nature of proceedings.

At least one of the above-mentioned criteria is mandatory. In addition, it may be specified:

- Status of proceedings (effective proceedings, terminated proceedings, all proceedings).

3 What are the terms and conditions of use governing access to the national insolvency data of this register? Are there any restrictions on the re-use of insolvency data and/or copyright rules applicable?

Insolvency register is a public register. The access to free information is provided for all interested persons, according to law.

4 For how long is the insolvency information made available? What are the national rules in this regard?

Information on the insolvency proceedings of natural persons is publicly available for the duration of the respective proceedings and 1 year after the entry in the Insolvency Register has been made regarding the termination of the proceedings.

Information on insolvency and legal protection proceedings of legal persons is permanently available to the public.

5 Who is the national data controller responsible for the information data, whom should I contact if I have a data protection concern, question or request?

Insolvency Register is under the authority of the Register of Enterprises of the Republic of Latvia which is also the data controller:

Register of Enterprises of the Republic of Latvia

Pērses iela 2, Rīga

Republic of Latvia

Phone: (+371) 67031703


6 What is the guaranteed technical availability of the national register hosting insolvency information?

The Insolvency Register is available 24/7. The insolvency data is unavailable only during technical maintenance periods.

7 Where can I find more information?

Malta – Corporate Insolvency Register – E-Courts (Insolvent corporates and traders)

1 Where does the insolvency data come from? Which is the national body responsible for the operation and information provision of this insolvency data?

Malta has two insolvency registers. The first insolvency register includes data on corporate entities (, and is operated by the Office of the Official Receiver within the Malta Business Registry. The second insolvency register, accessible through the wider e-courts system also includes data on insolvent traders being natural persons. The latter register is operated by the Court Services Agency.

2 Are there specific rules and prerequisite search criteria on accessing national insolvency information for this register?

Both registers are accessible free of charge. However, in relation to the register, a one-time free registration process is necessary.

3 What are the terms and conditions of use governing access to the national insolvency data of this register? Are there any restrictions on the re-use of insolvency data and/or copyright rules applicable?

Both registers are considered as public registers, therefore the data extracted from any of the two registers can be used freely. The E-Courts system includes general terms of use which may be accessible by following this link:

4 For how long is the insolvency information made available? What are the national rules in this regard?

Currently the data contained in the Maltese Insolvency Registers is held for an indefinite period.

5 Who is the national data controller responsible for the information data, whom should I contact if I have a data protection concern, question or request?

The data protection officers for the Maltese insolvency registers are as follows:

Corporate Insolvency Register:

Dr. Geraldine Ann Spiteri Lucas
Data Protection Officer
Malta Business Registry
AM Business Centre
Triq il-Labour
Zejtun ZTN 2401

Phone: (+356) 2258 2300


E-Courts Insolvency Register:

Data Controller
Court Services Agency
Republic Street

Telephone: (+356) 2590 2217


6 What is the guaranteed technical availability of the national register hosting insolvency information?

Malta guarantees the availability of its national registers hosting of at least 99%.

7 Where can I find more information?

Further information in relation to Corporate Insolvencies may be accessible by following the below links:

Office of the Official Receiver - Malta Business Registry portal:

E-Justice portal:

The Netherlands – Central Insolvency Register (Centraal insolventieregister)

1 Where does the insolvency data come from? Which is the national body responsible for the operation and information provision of this insolvency data?

In the Netherlands the Council for the Judiciary is responsible for the Central Insolvency Register. The register contains the aggregated information from 2005 onwards of all insolvency notifications which by law have to be published in the Official Gazette. The notifications are supplied by the district courts responsible for the insolvency proceedings.

2 Are there specific rules and prerequisite search criteria on accessing national insolvency information for this register?

Search Natural Persons

Through the functionality ‘Search of insolvency proceedings concerning individual debtors(*) insolvency’ can only be searched for Natural persons, on the home page of ‘Bankruptcy & insolvency registers - search for insolvent debtors in the EU’, choose the option ‘Search of insolvency proceedings concerning individual debtors(*) insolvency’.

Searches on natural persons can only be performed if at least two of the following search parameters are supplied: surname, date of birth, address (which consists of postal code and house number). Therefore, natural persons cannot be searched via the simple search form. It’s not allowed to search on personal identification numbers for Natural Persons. The simple search only returns businesses.

When searching natural persons, please take into account that:

  • wildcards are not allowed;
  • all searches are case-insensitive;
  • diacritics (accents on characters) can be entered, but are not necessary (e.g. if you enter ‘Mohlmann’ you will also find ‘Möhlmann’)

Furthermore, due to administrative inconsistencies in the registration process, you are advised to use the following variants if you are looking for natural persons by name - in the order displayed.

  • Start with entering the prefix (like ‘van’ in ‘Ludwig van Beethoven’) in the prefix field, and the rest of the surname in the surname field.
  • Don’t use abbreviations in the prefix field (like ‘v.’ for ‘van’). If there is no prefix, leave the field blank.
  • If the person you are looking for also uses the name of his or her partner in the surname, try the normal style (both surnames concatenated with a hyphen in between, e.g. ‘Beethoven-Brahms’). If this doesn’t give any matches, you can try the following (possibly in combination):
    • Don’t enter the prefix in the prefix field, but in the surname field, with a space white between prefix and surname( e.g. ‘van Beethoven’);
    • Prefixes that do not have a Dutch origin might need a hyphen between prefix and surname – in the surname field (e.g. ‘El-Haddaoui’ instead of ‘El Haddaoui’);
    • Leave the prefix completely out of your search;

If a person carries both his or her own family name and the surname of the partner, leave out the name of the partner (e.g. if called ‘Beethoven-Brahms’ search just for ‘Beethoven’. Please mind that in the Netherlands it is allowed to use any order. So, to be sure, also try ‘Brahms’.

Search Legal person/Business via Simple search

When searching for a legal person / business, a search is case and diacritic (accents on characters) insensitive and a match is found if the specified name is part of the legal name. E.g., if you enter searching for “Mohlman Jansen”, you will find “Bouwbedrijf Möhlman Jansen BV” but not “Jansen Möhlman Design”.

Search Natural person/Legal person/Business via Advanced search

When searching for a natural person / legal person/ business, there are four possibilities to choose from:

  • Search on postal code and house number (e.g. valid Dutch postal code is ‘1122AA’ with house number ‘12’
  • Search on Case properties
  • Search on Unique identifier of insolvency case
  • Search on Unique identifier of notification

3 What are the terms and conditions of use governing access to the national insolvency data of this register? Are there any restrictions on the re-use of insolvency data and/or copyright rules applicable?

The Central Insolvency Register can be used by anybody. If you want to re-use the data, you can make use of a free-of-charge webservice, for which (only) Dutch and English documentation is available. To use this webservice you’ll have to declare that you will use the data in compliance with Dutch law on data protection. You can find information and register for an account here.

If you need more information in English, please contact:
Landelijk Dienstencentrum voor de Rechtspraak
T.a.v. afdeling Dataleveranties
Postbus 3175
3502 GD Utrecht
Nederland / The Netherlands

4 For how long is the insolvency information made available? What are the national rules in this regard?

Information on any insolvency proceedings can be consulted until six months after the proceedings have ended.

5 Who is the national data controller responsible for the information data, whom should I contact if I have a data protection concern, question or request?

The Council for the Judiciary is responsible for the Central Insolvency Register, daily operations carried out by ‘IVO Rechtspraak’, the IT-department of the Council:

IVO Rechtspraak
Postbus 85228
3508 AE Utrecht
Nederland / The Netherlands

6 What is the guaranteed technical availability of the national register hosting insolvency information?

The register is available 24/7, subject to technical maintenance.

7 Where can I find more information?

You can find more information on the Central Insolvency Register here.


1 Where does the insolvency data come from? Which is the national body responsible for the operation and information provision of this insolvency data?

The system is available at

Data on insolvency come from court proceedings. Data on insolvency will be posted by the bankruptcy/restructuring court.

2 Are there specific rules and prerequisite search criteria on accessing national insolvency information for this register?

The indebted physical person who does not exercises professional activity (a consumer) may be searched only on the basis of predefined, complete legal identifier like personal identification number, tax identifier or similar. The search f.i. on the basis of his/her name or part of the name is not possible.

3 What are the terms and conditions of use governing access to the national insolvency data of this register? Are there any restrictions on the re-use of insolvency data and/or copyright rules applicable?

The register is public. There are no restrictions on the re-use of insolvency data and/or copyright rules applicable.

4 For how long is the insolvency information made available? What are the national rules in this regard?

As a rule, 10 years from the date of final completion or discontinuation of the proceedings to which they relate.


  • 3 years from the date on which the decision on the performance of the arrangement becomes final;
  • 3 years from the expiry of the period of 5 years from the date on which the decision on conditional redemption of the debtor's liabilities becomes legally binding, without establishing a creditors' repayment plan.

Article 11 of the Act of 6 December 6, 2018 on the National Debt Register.

5 Who is the national data controller responsible for the information data, whom should I contact if I have a data protection concern, question or request?

Minister of Justice
Al. Ujazdowskie 11
00-950 Warszawa

6 What is the guaranteed technical availability of the national register hosting insolvency information?

The register is, as a matter of legal principle, accessible 24/7/365. SLA guarantees it at the level 99%.

7 Where can I find more information?



1 Where does the insolvency data come from? Which is the national body responsible for the operation and information provision of this insolvency data?

Formally, there is no national body responsible for operating and providing information on insolvency data.

Currently, however, through the Citius Platform, managed by the Institute of Financial Management and Justice Equipment, I.P. (IGFEJ, I.P.), it is possible to consult information on the special revitalization processes, the special processes for payment agreements, the extraordinary processes for the viability of companies and the insolvency processes.

2 Are there specific rules and prerequisite search criteria on accessing national insolvency information for this register?

Anyone can consult, through the Citius Platform, public data on the Special Revitalization Process (PER), the Special Process for Payment Agreement (PEAP) or the Insolvency Process.

The information provided in this way is as follows:

  • Insolvency Proceeding Number
  • Identification of the court where the insolvency proceedings are carried out
  • Identification of the insolvent
  • Identification of the insolvency administrator
  • Deadline for claiming credits
  • Date of declaration of insolvency.

Information on facts relating to insolvency contained in the civil registry and commercial registry is also public, and made available through the birth certificate and commercial registry certificate, respectively.

3 What are the terms and conditions of use governing access to the national insolvency data of this register? Are there any restrictions on the re-use of insolvency data and/or copyright rules applicable?

The rules that will govern access to national insolvency data under this new database to be created are still to be defined.

4 For how long is the insolvency information made available? What are the national rules in this regard?

Matter to be defined.

5 Who is the national data controller responsible for the information data, whom should I contact if I have a data protection concern, question or request?

DGPJ - Inês Oliveira Andrade de Jesus

6 Where can I find more information?

Bankruptcy and insolvency registers - Portugal

Consultar publicidade do PER e insolvências

Citius Platform

Romania - Ministry of Justice – National Trade Register Office - Insolvency Proceedings Bulletin

1 Where does the insolvency data come from? Which is the national body responsible for the operation and information provision of this insolvency data?

All the data from our insolvency register is collected from documents issued in insolvency proceedings by courts and by insolvency practitioners. The national body responsible for the operation and information provision of these data is the Ministry of Justice – the National Trade Register Office, through the Insolvency Proceedings Bulletin.

2 Are there specific rules and prerequisite search criteria on accessing national insolvency information for this register?

There are no specific rules on accessing national insolvency information. You can search for a legal entity by name, by registry code, by fiscal identification code or by year and bulletin number of the Insolvency Proceedings Bulletin.

3 What are the terms and conditions of use governing access to the national insolvency data of this register? Are there any restrictions on the re-use of insolvency data and/or copyright rules applicable?

The access to free information is provided for all interested persons, according to law. The data obtained from the Insolvency Proceedings Bulletin can be re-used only for the purpose of free information of interested persons.

4 For how long is the insolvency information made available? What are the national rules in this regard?


5 Who is the national data controller responsible for the information data, whom should I contact if I have a data protection concern, question or request?

Ministry of Justice, National Trade Register Office, Insolvency Proceedings Bulletin

Mrs Valentina Burdescu, General Manager of the National Trade Register Office.
74 Unirii Blvd., Bl. J3b. Tr. II+III, district 3, postal cod 030837, Bucharest

Phone: +40213160817, ext. 801
Fax: +40213160807



Mrs Aurelia Ghimpu, Director of Insolvency Proceedings Bulletin.
74 Unirii Blvd., Bl. J3b. Tr. II+III, district 3, postal cod 030837, Bucharest

Phone: +40213160817, ext. 403
Fax: +40213160807



Mr Ioan Mărginean, Director of Data Valorization Department, the National Trade Register Office
74 Unirii Blvd. , Bl. J3b. Tr. II+III, district 3, postal cod 030837, Bucharest

Phone: +40213160817, ext. 200
Fax: +40213160807


6 What is the guaranteed technical availability of the national register hosting insolvency information?

The insolvency data is unavailable only during technical maintenance periods.

7 Where can I find more information?

Bankruptcy and insolvency registers - Romania

ONRC Portal

National Trade Register Office

Slovak Republic – Insolvency register (Register úpadcov)

1 Where does the insolvency data come from? Which is the national body responsible for the operation and information provision of this insolvency data?

Insolvency data are created by a combination of data from the information systems of courts, the Business Journal and the Register of Administrators. The responsible body for the operation and information provision of this insolvency data is Ministry of Justice of the Slovak Republic.

Slovak insolvency register is available online:

2 Are there specific rules and prerequisite search criteria on accessing national insolvency information for this register?

There are no specific rules.

3 What are the terms and conditions of use governing access to the national insolvency data of this register? Are there any restrictions on the re-use of insolvency data and/or copyright rules applicable?

Register is public and there are no specific terms, conditions or restrictions for its usage.

4 For how long is the insolvency information made available? What are the national rules in this regard?

The Insolvency register is available since December 2015 in electronic form. The Ministry of Justice of the Slovak Republic publishes data on this website in a range stipulated by the law and functions of this information system are implemented in accordance with valid legislation, especially Act no. 7/2005 Coll. on bankruptcy and restructuring and Act no. 8/2005 Coll. on bankruptcy trustees. This website is designed in compliance with Decree of the Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic no. 55/2014 Coll. on Standards for Public Administration Information Systems. The published data is supported by web services applications and databases of the Ministry of Justice of the Slovak Republic.

5 Who is the national data controller responsible for the information data, whom should I contact if I have a data protection concern, question or request?

Any questions in regard to data protection, technical support or requests need to be directed to

6 What is the guaranteed technical availability of the national register hosting insolvency information?

Website is a portal of Insolvency Register which meets all required standards for public administration information systems stipulated by the Decree of the Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic no. 55/2014 Coll. on Standards for Public Administration Information Systems.

7 Where can I find more information?

Insolvency/bankruptcy - Slovakia

Finland – The Insolvency Register

1 Where does the insolvency data come from? Which is the national body responsible for the operation and information provision of this insolvency data?

Legal Register Centre

2 Are there specific rules and prerequisite search criteria on accessing national insolvency information for this register?

Name, Personal identity code or Business ID. You can search also for different proceedings and time slot.

3 What are the terms and conditions of use governing access to the national insolvency data of this register? Are there any restrictions on the re-use of insolvency data and/or copyright rules applicable?

It is a public register with no specific restrictions. Anyone interested can retrieve the information for their own uses. Please note that, the personal identity code is not displayed in the register, although it can be used to retrieve information.

4 For how long is the insolvency information made available? What are the national rules in this regard?

The insolvency information is available as long as the information remains in the register in accordance with national laws.

5 Who is the national data controller responsible for the information data, whom should I contact if I have a data protection concern, question or request?

Full Name : Kati Kilpeläinen
Postal Address: P.O. box 157, 13101 Hämeenlinna
Country: Finland

Phone: +358 29 56 65786, Email:

6 What is the guaranteed technical availability of the national register hosting insolvency information?

The register operates normally on a 24/7 basis. However, the investigation of disturbances takes place only during office hours (Monday-Friday 8.00-16.15)

7 Where can I find more information?


a) The Swedish Companies Registration Office (concerning bankruptcy and reorganization)

b) The Enforcement Authority (concerning debt reconstruction)

1 Where does the insolvency data come from? Which is the national body responsible for the operation and information provision of this insolvency data?

The insolvency data come from courts in Sweden. A decision concerning insolvency (bankruptcy or reorganization) is always made by a court in Sweden.

Debt reconstruction data come from the Enforcement Authority. A decision concerning debt reconstruction can come either from The Enforcement Authority or from a court in Sweden.

2 Are there specific rules and prerequisite search criteria on accessing national insolvency information for this register?

Concerning bankruptcy and reorganization data there are no specific rules or prerequisite criteria on accessing national insolvency information.

Concerning debt reconstruction data there are no specific rules or prerequisite criteria on accessing national insolvency information.

3 What are the terms and conditions of use governing access to the national insolvency data of this register? Are there any restrictions on the re-use of insolvency data and/or copyright rules applicable?

Concerning bankruptcy and reorganization: for re-use there are specific terms and conditions applicable (there are also specific restrictions for re-use).

Concerning debt reconstruction: for re-use there are specific terms and conditions applicable (there are also specific restrictions for re-use).

4 For how long is the insolvency information made available? What are the national rules in this regard?

Bankruptcy and reorganization:

The information will be erased five years after the insolvency procedure was finalized or from when the decision was annulled.

Debt reconstruction:

The information will be erased in five years from the day the decision was made public (when it concerns Debt reconstruction for businesses it is three years from the day the decision was made public)

5 Who is the national data controller responsible for the information data, whom should I contact if I have a data protection concern, question or request?

Bankruptcy and reorganization:

The Swedish Companies Registration Office
Postal Address: 852 81 Sundsvall
Country: Sweden

Phone/Fax/Email (optional):

Debt reconstruction:

The Enforcement Authority
Postal address:
FE 100 Skuldsanering

Phone/Fax/Email (optional):

6 What is the guaranteed technical availability of the national register hosting insolvency information?

Concerning bankruptcy and reorganization: it is possible to search in the registers 24/7.

Concerning debt reconstruction: it is possible to search in the registers 24/7.

7 Where can I find more information?

European e-Justice Portal (

Swedish Companies Registration Office

Enforcement Authority

Link to national insolvency law:

1. Swedish law with complementing rules to EU Insolvency regulation

2. Swedish regulation with complementing rules to EU insolvency regulation

3. The Swedish law on bankruptcy

4. The Swedish regulation on bankruptcy

5. The Swedish law on reorganization

6. The Swedish regulation on reorganization

7. The Swedish regulation on debt reconstruction

8. The Debt Clearance Act Regarding Business

9. Debt restructuring ordinance (Skuldsaneringsförordning)

[1] With the exception of Denmark

[2] With the exception of Denmark

[3] Relates only to individuals who are not exercising an independent business or professional activities or who are exercising an independent business or professional activity when the insolvency proceedings are not related to that activity.

[4] In accordance with Art. 24, 25 and 27 of Regulation (EU) 2015/848

Last update: 08/06/2022

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