If you are a private individual and you, or a lawyer acting for you, lodge an application with a court seeking a European order for payment (form Α of Regulation (EC) No 1896/2006), you must pay the appropriate court costs provided for in national law. If you lodge the application in person, without a lawyer, you are exempt from paying an advance on lawyers’ fees (see recital 26 to the Regulation). If your application is accepted and the European order for payment is issued (form Ε of the Regulation), and no objections are raised thereafter and the order is declared enforceable (form G), you will receive an enforcement order, and will have to pay a certified copy fee (télos apográfou) depending on the type of claim (in accordance with the Stamp Duty Code (Kódika Telón Chartosímou)).
What fees are applicable?
When you submit form A, you have to pay a stamp duty (télos chartosímou — the stamp is affixed to the application, see the Stamp Duty Code) and a judicial stamp duty (télos dikastikoú ensímou — you must buy a judicial stamp or submit a type B receipt from a tax office (DOY)) — because it is an electronic version —, which must be included in the case file, see Law 3978/1912, as amended by Article 1(IC1) of Law 4093/2012: eight thousands of the amount claimed plus parafiscal levies, whenever the requested amount exceeds EUR 200. In addition, payments are made to national bodies that are calculated based on the amount of the claim.
How much will I pay?
The amount of court costs is calculated on the basis of the sum for which the order is requested in accordance with the above-mentioned legislation.
What happens if I don’t pay the court fees in time?
The court will not hear your application for a European order for payment or for the enforcement of a European order for payment which has been declared enforceable.
How can I pay the court fees?
Only in person to the court to which form A is submitted or from which an enforcement order is requested on the basis of form G. Currently, no electronic payment of court costs is provided for.
What shall I do after the payment?
You must lodge the application with the court.
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