Court fees concerning Small Claims procedure


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What fees are applicable?

How much shall I pay?

What happens if I do not pay the court fees on time?

How can I pay the court fees?

What shall I do after the payment?


‘The application fee is levied in the amount indicated below when any of the following procedures are initiated.

Category A …………………………………SEK 900 (1) /…/ civil actions according to Regulation (EC) No 861/2007 of 11 July 2007 establishing a European Small Claims Procedure’ (Annex to Regulation (1987:452) on fees at the general courts).

The application fee is paid to the court to which the claim is being submitted. At present, it is not possible to pay the fee electronically via a website.

(1) This amount is applicable as from 1 July 2014.

What fees are applicable?

Only one application fee is applicable for the small claims procedure, which is paid when the application is submitted to the court. No other fees are levied for the procedure or for procedural measures.

How much shall I pay?

The application fee, which is SEK 900 as from 1 July 2014, constitutes the total amount for the procedure.

What happens if I do not pay the court fees on time?

If you do not pay the application fee, after you have been asked to complete the application by providing payment, the case will be dismissed and the court will not examine your claim. It is possible to submit a new claim in relation to the same matter following a dismissal.

How can I pay the court fees?

You can pay the application fee via an electronic payment service.

What shall I do after the payment?

After making the payment, you do not need to take any other action and as a general rule you do not need to provide proof of payment. The court matches the payments made to the claims that have been submitted to the court. In order to make it easier to match your claim to your payment, make sure that you state your full name and the opposing party’s full name when you make the payment. Always save the payment confirmation, as this can be used to track a payment if necessary.

Last update: 05/12/2023

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