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Brussels I Regulation (recast)

Anglija in Wales

Vsebino zagotavlja
Anglija in Wales


Z iskalnikom boste lahko poiskali sodišče(-a)/organ(-e), pristojne za posamezen evropski pravni akt. Opozorilo: čeprav si prizadevamo zagotoviti točnost rezultatov, nekateri izjemni primeri v zvezi z ugotavljanjem pristojnosti morda niso zajeti.

Združeno kraljestvo

Anglija in Wales

Brussels I recast

*obvezen vnos

Article 65(3) - Information on how to determine, in accordance with national law, the effects of the judgments referred to in Article 65(2) of the Regulation

Not applicable

Article 75 (a) – Names and contact details of the courts to which the applications are to be submitted pursuant to Articles 36(2), 45(4) and 47(1)

- in England and Wales, the High Court of Justice (Enforcement Section, Queen's Bench Division)

Article 75 (b) – Names and contact details of the courts with which an appeal against the decision on the application for refusal of enforcement is to be lodged pursuant to Article 49(2)

- in England and Wales, the High Court of Justice (Enforcement Section, Queen's Bench Division)

Article 75 (c) – Names and contact details of the courts with which any further appeal is to be lodged pursuant to Article 50

- in England and Wales, the Court of Appeal (Civil Division, Royal Courts of Justice) or the Supreme Court (in accordance with national law providing for appeals to sometimes go directly from the High Court of Justice to the Supreme Court). The particular provisions for a 'leapfrog' appeal are set out in Part 2 of the Administration of Justice Act 1969. Sections 12 to 15 of Part 2 apply to England and Wales, and Section 16 provides for how Sections 12 to 15 apply to Northern Ireland.

Article 75 (d) – Languages accepted for translations of the certificates concerning judgments, authentic instruments and court settlements

Not applicable

Article 76(1)(a) – Rules of jurisdiction referred to in Articles 5(2) and 6(2) of the Regulation

(a) the document instituting the proceedings having been served on the defendant during his temporary presence in the United Kingdom; or

(b) the presence within the United Kingdom of property belonging to the defendant; or

(c) the seizure by the plaintiff of property situated in the United Kingdom.

Article 76(1)(b) – Rules on third party notice referred to in Article 65 of the Regulation

Not applicable

Article 76(1)(c) – Conventions referred to in Article 69 of the Regulation

  • the Convention between the United Kingdom and the French Republic providing for the Mutual Enforcement of Judgments in Civil and Commercial Matters, with Protocol, signed at Paris on 18 January 1934,
  • the Convention between the United Kingdom and the Kingdom of Belgium providing for the Mutual Enforcement of Judgments in Civil and Commercial Matters, with Protocol, signed at Brussels on 2 May 1934,
  • the Convention between the United Kingdom and the Federal Republic of Germany for the Mutual Recognition and Enforcement of Judgments in Civil and Commercial Matters, signed at Bonn on 14 July 1960,
  • the Convention between the United Kingdom and Austria providing for the Mutual Recognition and Enforcement of Judgments in Civil and Commercial Matters, signed at Vienna on 14 July 1961, with amending Protocol signed at London on 6 March 1970,
  • the Convention between the United Kingdom and the Republic of Italy for the Mutual Recognition and Enforcement of Judgments in Civil and Commercial Matters, signed at Rome on 7 February 1964, with amending Protocol signed at Rome on 14 July 1970,
  • the Convention between the United Kingdom and the Kingdom of the Netherlands providing for the Mutual Recognition and Enforcement of Judgments in Civil Matters, signed at The Hague on 17 November 1967.
Last update: 19/07/2017

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