General information
In terms of the use of videoconference in cross border cases, studies have shown that from a technical perspective videoconferencing systems employed in different Member States are interoperable. In several Member States videoconferencing equipment is widely available in court rooms. In the absence of technical obstacles more attention should be devoted to awareness-raising about the potential use of videoconferences and to creating practical tools to facilitate videoconferencing.
General policy description
New technologies challenge traditional ways of conducting court proceedings. New technologies also provide tools to improve efficiency, flexibility and convenience for everyone involved - the courts, the parties to proceedings and also witnesses.
Taking evidence by videoconference
The European Judicial Network in civil and commercial matters (EJN civil) has produced a set of factsheets that provide practical information on rules, procedures and technical facilities for videoconferencing between courts in different EU countries.
This guide covers the use of videoconferencing equipment in cross-border court proceedings in the European Union. It discusses the organizational, technical and legal aspects of the use of videoconferencing technology. Furthermore, it analyzes the use of equipment in courtrooms and witness rooms, and the use of portable equipment. The guidance applies to cases where videoconferencing is used for any part of legal proceedings, in particular for taking of evidence from remote locations in other EU Member States.
Facilities in EU countries
Many courts in Member States are now equipped with videoconferencing facilities in the courtroom or in special hearing rooms for witnesses and experts.