

In this case study on family law (custody of children), Member States were asked to advise the suing party on litigation costs in the following situations: Case A – National situation: a couple have lived together unmarried for a number of years. They have a 3-year-old child at the time they separate. A court grants custody of the child to the mother and right of access to the father. The mother sues to limit the father’s right of access. Case B – Cross-border situation where you are a lawyer in Member State A: a couple have lived together unmarried in Member State B for a number of years. They have a child together but separate immediately after the birth of their child. A court in Member State B grants custody of the child to the mother and right of access to the father. The mother and child move to another Member State (Member State A) with the court’s authorisation, while the father remains in Member State B. A few years later, the mother takes legal action in Member State A to change the father’s right of access.

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Costs in Germany

Costs of proceedings at first instance or appeal or for alternative dispute resolution

Case study

Proceedings at first instance


Initial costs of proceedings

Initial costs of proceedings

Case A

EUR 54.00

Appeal: EUR 108.00
Appeal on point of law: EUR 162.00

Case B

EUR 54.00

Appeal: EUR 108.00
Appeal on point of law: EUR 162.00

Lawyer, bailiff and expert fees

Case study



Is there a requirement for legal representation?

Average costs

Is there a requirement to call an expert?


Case A


First instance:
EUR 622.00

At the court’s discretion

EUR 100.00 per hour, plus expenses and VAT

Case B


First instance:
EUR 622.00

At the court’s discretion

EUR 100.00 per hour, plus expenses and VAT

Cost of covering witnesses’ expenses

Case study

Witnesses’ expenses

Are witnesses entitled to reimbursement of their expenses?


Case A


Up to EUR 21 per hour for earnings lost, plus travel and other expenses

Case B


Up to EUR 21 per hour for earnings lost, plus travel and other expenses

Costs of legal aid and reimbursement of other expenses

Case study

Legal aid


What are the conditions?

Can the prevailing party request the award of litigation costs?

Are there instances where legal aid must be paid back?

Case A

Depending on income and assets


If the person’s income and financial situation improve and in the case of payment by instalments.

Case B

Depending on income and assets


If the person’s income and financial situation improve and in the case of payment by instalments.

Translation and interpretation costs

Case study



Are there other costs relating to cross-border disputes?

When and on what conditions is translation required?

Approximate cost

When and on what conditions is interpretation required?

Approximate cost


Approximate cost

Case A

Case B

At the court’s discretion

In most cases EUR 1.55 per 55 characters, plus expenses and VAT

At the court’s discretion

EUR 70 per hour, plus expenses and VAT

Costs of serving documents abroad

Last update: 17/06/2024

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