European enforcement order


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The search tool below will help you to identify court(s)/authority(ies) competent for a specific European legal instrument. Please note that although every effort has been made to ascertain the accuracy of the results, there may be some exceptional cases concerning the determination of competence that are not necessarily covered.


Recognising and enforcing judgements in civil and commercial matters - European enforcement order

*mandatory input

1. Procedures for rectification and withdrawal (Art. 10(2))

An application for rectification or withdrawal of a court certificate must be submitted to:

- the court that issued the certificate.

An application for rectification or annulment of a public document drawn up by a notary, administrative authority or natural or legal person with public powers must be submitted to:

- the authority or person that drew up the document, which/who is then obliged to forward the application to the competent municipal court on the basis of the location of the registered office/residence so that the latter can render a valid decision.

2. Procedures for review (Art.19 (1))

In accordance with Article 19(1) of the Regulation, the procedures for the review of decisions in the Republic of Croatia are laid down in the Civil Procedure Act (Zakon o parničnom postupku) – (Narodne novine (NN; Official Gazette of the Republic of Croatia) Nos 53/91, 91/92, 112/99, 88/01, 117/03, 88/05, 2/07, 84/08, 96/08, 123/08, 57/11, 148/11 – consolidated text, 25/13, 89/14 – Decision of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Croatia, 70/19, 80/22 and 114/22).

Those procedures are:

- Application to restore a prior status (Articles 117-122a of the Civil Procedure Act). An application must be submitted within eight days from the date on which the party learned of the reason for the omission or, if the party learned of the omission at a later date, the previously mentioned time period starts to run from the date on which the party learned of the reason why they had missed the deadline. Once 2 months have passed (in proceedings before municipal courts) or 30 days have passed (in proceedings before commercial courts) since the omission, an application to restore a prior status may no longer be submitted.

- Retrial (Articles 421-432 of the Civil Procedure Act). An application for a retrial must be submitted within 30 days from the date on which the party learned of the reason for submitting the application or from the date on which the court decision was served on them.

3. Accepted languages (Article 20(2)(c))

Croatian. Croatian translations must be certified by a qualified translator in one of the EU Member States.

4. Authorities designated for the purpose of certifying authentic instruments (Art. 25)

Competent courts, administrative authorities, notaries, legal and natural persons with public powers that are authorised to issue enforcement instruments or enforcement orders for uncontested claims under applicable national law.

Last update: 14/03/2024

The national language version of this page is maintained by the respective Member State. The translations have been done by the European Commission service. Possible changes introduced in the original by the competent national authority may not be yet reflected in the translations. The European Commission accepts no responsibility or liability whatsoever with regard to any information or data contained or referred to in this document. Please refer to the legal notice to see copyright rules for the Member State responsible for this page.