About the network

Content provided by:
European Judicial Network
European Judicial Network (in civil and commercial matters)

Contact Points

There are two contact points for Ireland. There is one contact point for the District and Circuit Courts and one contact point for the Superior Courts i.e. High Court, Court of Appeal and Supreme Court. The contact points co-operate closely and work together on matters relating to the Network. The contact points for Ireland are based in The Courts Service in Dublin. Even though each jurisdiction is separate there is an overlap in the work of these contact points who each have sole responsibility for the Network in their Directorates. Queries through the EJN should be directed to the relevant contact point for the jurisdiction concerned. The contact points work in separate offices but within the Directorates of the Courts Service of Ireland in Dublin. The work of the Network is combined with other tasks. However, the contact point can call on the help and assistance of other colleagues when dealing with Network business. The contact points maintain regular contact by e-mail, telephone and ‘face to face’ meetings with members of the EJN network in Ireland including the Central Authorities; the Director of Operations Supreme and High Court and the Director of Reform and Development in the Courts Service [Article 2(1)(d) members]; and officials in the Department of Justice and Law Reform [Article 2(1)(d) members]. The contact points are also in regular communication with a nominated member of the judiciary in relation to developments in the EJN.

The functioning of the EJN in Ireland

There is no formal national network within Ireland.  There is a network of people who are experts in particular policy areas to whom the contact point can turn for answers to queries that are raised.

The contact point would liase closely with others who are the extended members of the Network for Ireland,  including a number of judges with specialist skills in specific areas of law or with responsibility for international liaison work. The Contact Points can be contacted by e-mail. The contact point ensures that relevant policy, administrative or judicial experts are consulted before relevant meetings of the Network and the notes of meetings and relevant action points are disseminated as appropriate.

The contact point also has regular contact with the Department of Justice on policy issues and the Central Authority on Family Maintenance and Cross Border issues

Providing information

There is no national website for the EJN in Ireland. Information is provided through the Courts Service website and other existing sites for different Departments within Ireland. The contact point works with others, and other Departments when providing different sources of information for EJN Member States and  the EJN network.

Last update: 29/07/2024

The national language version of this page is maintained by the respective EJN contact point. The translations have been done by the European Commission service. Possible changes introduced in the original by the competent national authority may not be yet reflected in the translations. Neither the EJN nor the European Commission accept responsibility or liability whatsoever with regard to any information or data contained or referred to in this document. Please refer to the legal notice to see copyright rules for the Member State responsible for this page.