Public documents


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Article 24(1)(a) - languages accepted by the Member State for the public documents to be presented to its authorities pursuant to point (a) of Article 6(1)


Exceptions can be made in certain cases very narrowly defined by law: the Immigration Law (Imigrācijas likums), for example, states that for the approval of sponsorships or the extension of residence permits the necessary documents (e.g. a certificate of absence of a criminal record, copies of documents attesting kinship or affinity, or other documents required by the Latvian legislation) may be submitted in Latvian, English, French, German or Russian.

Article 24(1)(b) – an indicative list of public documents falling within the scope of this Regulation

Birth: birth certificate (dzimšanas apliecība) or extract from the register of births (izziņa no dzimšanas reģistra) issued by the Civil Registry Department (Dzimtsarakstu departaments) of the Ministry of Justice; birth certificate or extract from the register of births issued by the civil registry office (Dzimtsarakstu nodaļa) of a local authority; extract from the population register (izziņa no Iedzīvotāju reģistra) issued by the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs (Pilsonības un migrācijas lietu pārvalde); birth certificate (original or duplicate) or extract from the population register issued by a Latvian diplomatic or consular mission abroad.

That a person is alive: certificate issued by a notary (zvērināts notārs); certificate issued by a Latvian diplomatic or consular mission abroad.

Death: death certificate (miršanas apliecība) or extract from the register of deaths (izziņa no miršanas reģistra) issued by the Civil Registry Department of the Ministry of Justice; death certificate or extract from the register of deaths issued by the civil registry office of a local authority; extract from the population register issued by the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs; death certificate (original or duplicate) or extract from the population register issued by a Latvian diplomatic or consular mission abroad.

Name: order on a change of forename and/or surname (lēmums par uzvārda maiņu un/vai vārda maiņu) issued by the Civil Registry Department of the Ministry of Justice; certificate issued by the Civil Registry Department of the Ministry of Justice; extract from the population register issued by the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs; extract from the population register issued by a Latvian diplomatic or consular mission abroad.

Marriage, including capacity to marry: marriage certificate (laulības apliecība) or extract from the register of marriages (izziņa no laulības reģistra) issued by the Civil Registry Department of the Ministry of Justice; marriage certificate or extract from the register of marriages issued by the civil registry office of a local authority; marriage certificate issued by a minister of one of the religious denominations listed in the Civil Law (Civillikums); extract from the population register issued by the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs; marriage certificate (original or duplicate) or extract from the population register issued by a Latvian diplomatic or consular mission abroad.

Latvia does not deliver a document certifying a person’s capacity to marry. In place of such a certificate a person may request information on their marital status.

Divorce or marriage annulment: notarial document (notariāls akts) certifying divorce (laulības šķiršanas apliecība); court decision (tiesas nolēmums); extract from the population register issued by the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs; certificate issued by a Latvian diplomatic or consular mission abroad; extract from the register of marriages issued by the Civil Registry Department of the Ministry of Justice showing the divorce; extract from the register of marriages issued by the civil registry office of a local authority showing the divorce.

Parenthood: court judgment; extract from the population register issued by the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs; extract from the population register issued by a Latvian diplomatic or consular mission abroad.

Adoption: court decision; extract from the population register issued by the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs.

Domicile and/or residence: extract from the population register issued by the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs; extract from the population register issued by a Latvian diplomatic or consular mission abroad; extract from the population register issued by a local authority.

Nationality: extract from the population register issued by the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs; extract from the population register issued by a Latvian diplomatic or consular mission abroad.

Absence of criminal record: Extract from the register of criminal convictions (izziņa no sodu reģistra) issued by the Information Centre (Informācijas centrs) of the Ministry of the Interior; certificate issued by a Latvian diplomatic or consular mission abroad.

Article 24(1)(c) – the list of public documents to which multilingual standard forms may be attached as a suitable translation aid

Birth: birth certificate or extract from the register of births issued by the Civil Registry Department of the Ministry of Justice; birth certificate or extract from the register of births issued by the civil registry office of a local authority; extract from the population register issued by the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs; birth certificate (original or duplicate) or extract from the population register issued by a Latvian diplomatic or consular mission abroad.

That a person is alive: certificate issued by a notary; certificate issued by a Latvian diplomatic or consular mission abroad.

Death: death certificate or extract from the register of deaths issued by the Civil Registry Department of the Ministry of Justice; death certificate or extract from the register of deaths issued by the civil registry office of a local authority; extract from the population register issued by the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs; death certificate (original or duplicate) or extract from the population register issued by a Latvian diplomatic or consular mission abroad.

Marriage: marriage certificate or extract from the register of marriages issued by the Civil Registry Department of the Ministry of Justice; marriage certificate or extract from the register of marriages issued by the civil registry office of a local authority; marriage certificate issued by a minister of one of the religious denominations listed in the Civil Law; extract from the population register issued by the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs; marriage certificate (original or duplicate) or extract from the population register issued by a Latvian diplomatic or consular mission abroad.

Marital status: extract from the population register issued by the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs; extract from the population register issued by a Latvian diplomatic or consular mission abroad.

Domicile and/or residence: extract from the population register issued by the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs; extract from the population register issued by a Latvian diplomatic or consular mission abroad; extract from the population register issued by a local authority.

Absence of criminal record: Extract from the register of criminal convictions issued by the Information Centre of the Ministry of the Interior; certificate issued by a Latvian diplomatic or consular mission abroad.

Article 24(1)(d) – the lists of persons qualified, in accordance with national law, to carry out certified translations, where such lists exist

There are no such lists, because in Latvia a translation can be certified by any natural person who assumes liability in accordance with the procedure laid down by law for any injury caused by errors in the translation of the document.

Article 24(1)(e) – an indicative list of types of authorities empowered by national law to make certified copies

Copies of documents may be certified by a notary; except where the legislation requires that a copy must be certified by a notary, its accuracy may also be certified by the organisation concerned (Law on the legal force of documents (Dokumentu juridiskā spēka likuma), Section 6).

The accuracy of a copy of a document can also be certified by the natural person who is the author of the document. A natural person can also certify the accuracy of a copy of a document that they have received from another natural person or from an organisation, except where the legislation requires the consent of the author.

Article 24(1)(f) – information relating to the means by which certified translations and certified copies can be identified

The translator certifies the accuracy of the translation on the last page of the translation, after the text, in Latvian. The translator enters the words TULKOJUMS PAREIZS (‘translation accurate’) in capitals, the translator’s forename, surname and personal identity number, the translator’s signature, the name of the place of certification, and the date of certification (see Cabinet Regulation No 291 on procedures for the certification of document translations in the official language (Ministru kabineta noteikumus Nr.291 Kārtība, kādā apliecināmi dokumentu tulkojumi valsts valodā)).

Similar requirements apply to certified copies (see next point).

Article 24(1)(g) – information about the specific features of certified copies

The word KOPIJA (‘copy’) must be entered in capitals in the top right corner of the first page. The certificate consists of the words KOPIJA PAREIZA (‘copy accurate’), written in capitals; the full official title of the officer certifying the accuracy of the copy (including the full name of the organisation and if necessary other information that allows the person to be identified unequivocally), the officer’s own signature, and the officer’s name in legible form; and the date of certification.

Last update: 10/05/2024

The national language version of this page is maintained by the respective Member State. The translations have been done by the European Commission service. Possible changes introduced in the original by the competent national authority may not be yet reflected in the translations. The European Commission accepts no responsibility or liability whatsoever with regard to any information or data contained or referred to in this document. Please refer to the legal notice to see copyright rules for the Member State responsible for this page.