Injunctions Directive (2009/22) - Ireland

National Law

1-10 of 24 documents  for "National Laws"

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  • European Communities (Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts) Regulations 1995
    • Adoption date for national laws: 01/02/1995
    • In force date: 31/12/1994
European Communities (Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts) Regulations 1995 01/02/1995 31/12/1994
  • Package Holidays and Travel Trade Act, 1995
Package Holidays and Travel Trade Act, 1995 01/10/1995 01/10/1995
Package Holidays and Travel Trade Act, 1995 01/10/1995 01/10/1995
  • European Communities (Contracts for Time Sharing of Immovable Property—Protection of Purchasers) Regulations 1997 and 2000
European Communities (Contracts for Time Sharing of Immovable Property—Protection of Purchasers) Regulations 1997 and 2000 01/01/1997 19/05/1997
  • European Communities (Requirements to Indicate Product Prices) Regulations 2002
    • Adoption date for national laws: 20/12/2002
    • In force date: 01/03/2003
European Communities (Requirements to Indicate Product Prices) Regulations 2002 20/12/2002 01/03/2003
  • European Communities (Certain Aspects of the Sale of Consumer Goods and Associated Guarantees) Regulations 2003
European Communities (Certain Aspects of the Sale of Consumer Goods and Associated Guarantees) Regulations 2003 22/01/2003 22/01/2003
  • Consumer Protection Act 2007
Consumer Protection Act 2007 21/04/2007 12/04/2007
Consumer Protection Bill 2007 01/05/2007 01/05/2007
  • Consumer Protection (Fixed Payment Notice) Regulations 2007
    • Adoption date for national laws: 12/10/2007
    • In force date: 13/10/2007
Consumer Protection (Fixed Payment Notice) Regulations 2007 12/10/2007 13/10/2007
European Communities (Misleading and Comparative Marketing Communications) Regulations 2007 30/11/2007 30/11/2007

1-10 of 24 documents  for "National Laws"

Enforcement System

No results available


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Legal Literature

3 documents found, displaying all  for "Legal Literature"

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Commercial Law Practitioner, nº 25, pp. 148-156. The Digital Single Market for Consumers: Mapping Reforms of European Union Consumer Law KELLY, C. 01/01/1970
  • Hibernian Law Journal, nº 17, pp. 92-107
    • Reference: Hibernian Law Journal, nº 17, pp. 92-107
    • Title: Between Sector-Specific and Horizontal: A New Proposal for Ireland's Implementation of Collective Litigation Mechanisms
    • Author: SAVONA, R.
    • Publication Year: 2018
Hibernian Law Journal, nº 17, pp. 92-107 Between Sector-Specific and Horizontal: A New Proposal for Ireland's Implementation of Collective Litigation Mechanisms SAVONA, R. 01/01/1970
Commercial Law Practitioner, nº 25, pp. 171-178 The “New Deal for Consumers” and Consumer Collective Redress KELLY, C. and COOKE, I. 01/01/1970

3 documents found, displaying all  for "Legal Literature"

Other material

2 documents found, displaying all  for "Other Material"

results per page, sorted by 
Call for views in response to Draft EU Directive on Representative Actions for the Protection of the Collective Interests of Consumers (COM (2018) 184 Final) Department of Business, Enterprise and Innovation
Submission to the Department of Business, Enterprise and Innovation’s (DBEI) Call for views in response to Draft EU Directive on Representative Actions for the Protection of the Collective Interests of Consumers (COM (2018) 184 Final) Law Society of Ireland

2 documents found, displaying all  for "Other Material"