Timeshare Directive (2008/122) - European Union

National Law

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Legal Literature

3 documents found, displaying all  for "Legal Literature"

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  • Recueil Dalloz, 2009, p. 2047, nr. 30
    • Reference: Recueil Dalloz, 2009, p. 2047, nr. 30
    • Title: Les ambiguïtés des directives d’harmonisation totale. Nouvelle répartition des compétences communautaires et internes
    • Author: Judith Rochfeld
    • Publication Year: 2009
Recueil Dalloz, 2009, p. 2047, nr. 30 Les ambiguïtés des directives d’harmonisation totale. Nouvelle répartition des compétences communautaires et internes Judith Rochfeld 01/01/1970
J.M. Bech Serrat, Selling Tourism Services at a Distance: An Analysis of the EU Consumer Acquis, Springer, Berlin-Heidelberg, 2012. Selling Tourism Services at a Distance: An Analysis of the EU Consumer Acquis BECH SERRAT, J.M. 01/01/1970
Centre for the study of European Contract Law, Working Paper Series, no. 2008/03 Review of the European Consumer Acquis LOOS, M. 01/01/1970

3 documents found, displaying all  for "Legal Literature"

Other material

3 documents found, displaying all  for "Other Material"

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Evaluation study on the application of the Timeshare Directive Centre for Strategy and Evaluation Services
Report on the evaluation of Directive 2008/122/EC European Commission
Timeshare - Help and advice for consumers in Europe The ECC-Net

3 documents found, displaying all  for "Other Material"