Timeshare Directive (2008/122) - Finland

National Law

1-10 of 28 documents  for "National Laws"

results per page, sorted by 
  • Package Travel Act
    • Adoption date for national laws: 28/11/1994
    • In force date: 01/07/1995
Package Travel Act 28/11/1994 01/07/1995
  • Consumer Protection Act
    • Adoption date for national laws: 16/12/1994
    • In force date: 01/01/1995
Consumer Protection Act 16/12/1994 01/01/1995
  • Act on Transnational Injunction Procedure
    • Adoption date for national laws: 21/12/2000
    • In force date: 01/01/2001
Act on Transnational Injunction Procedure 21/12/2000 01/01/2001
  • Consumer Protection Act
    • Adoption date for national laws: 13/12/2001
    • In force date: 01/01/2002
Consumer Protection Act 13/12/2001 01/01/2002
  • Unfair Business Practices Act
    • Adoption date for national laws: 29/08/2008
    • In force date: 01/10/2008
Unfair Business Practices Act 29/08/2008 01/10/2008
  • Unfair Business Practices Act
    • Adoption date for national laws: 29/08/2008
    • In force date: 01/10/2008
Unfair Business Practices Act 29/08/2008 01/10/2008
  • Act amending Chapter 2 of the Consumer Protection Act
Act amending Chapter 2 of the Consumer Protection Act 29/08/2008 01/10/2008
  • Consumer Protection Act
    • Adoption date for national laws: 29/08/2008
    • In force date: 01/10/2008
Consumer Protection Act 29/08/2008 01/10/2008
  • Unfair Business Practices Act
    • Adoption date for national laws: 29/08/2008
    • In force date: 01/10/2008
Unfair Business Practices Act 29/08/2008 01/10/2008
  • Consumer Protection Act
    • Adoption date for national laws: 29/08/2008
    • In force date: 01/10/2008
Consumer Protection Act 29/08/2008 01/10/2008

1-10 of 28 documents  for "National Laws"

Enforcement System

No results available


No results available

Legal Literature

One document found.  for "Legal Literature"

results per page, sorted by 
  • Talentum Pro, 1. painos, 2015
Talentum Pro, 1. painos, 2015 Consumer Protection Law PELTONEN, A., MÄÄTTÄ, K. 01/01/1970

One document found.  for "Legal Literature"

Other material

One document found.  for "Other Material"

results per page, sorted by 
  • Timeshare
    • Title: Timeshare
    • Emanating from: Euroopan kuluttajakeskus Suomessa (European Consumer Centre Finland)
Timeshare Euroopan kuluttajakeskus Suomessa (European Consumer Centre Finland)

One document found.  for "Other Material"