Timeshare Directive (2008/122) - Spain

National Law

1-10 of 31 documents  for "National Laws"

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  • Royal Decree of 24 July 1889 by which the Civil Code is published
    • Adoption date for national laws: 24/07/1889
    • In force date: 25/07/1889
Royal Decree of 24 July 1889 by which the Civil Code is published 24/07/1889 25/07/1889
  • Organic Law 9/1985, of July 1st, on the Judiciary
    • Adoption date for national laws: 01/07/1985
    • In force date: 03/07/1985
Organic Law 9/1985, of July 1st, on the Judiciary 01/07/1985 03/07/1985
  • The General Act, of November 11th, on Advertising
    • Adoption date for national laws: 11/11/1988
    • In force date: 15/11/1988
The General Act, of November 11th, on Advertising 11/11/1988 15/11/1988
  • Law 3/1991, 10 January, of Unfair Competition
    • Adoption date for national laws: 11/01/1991
    • In force date: 31/01/1991
Law 3/1991, 10 January, of Unfair Competition 11/01/1991 31/01/1991
  • 30/1992 Act, on the Common Legal Framework and Administrative Procedure
    • Adoption date for national laws: 26/11/1992
    • In force date: 27/02/1993
30/1992 Act, on the Common Legal Framework and Administrative Procedure 26/11/1992 27/02/1993
  • Law 7/1996, of 15 January 1996, on the Regulation of Retail Commerce
    • Adoption date for national laws: 15/01/1996
    • In force date: 17/01/1996
Law 7/1996, of 15 January 1996, on the Regulation of Retail Commerce 15/01/1996 17/01/1996
  • Law 7/1998, 13 April, on general contracting conditions
    • Adoption date for national laws: 14/04/1998
    • In force date: 04/05/1998
Law 7/1998, 13 April, on general contracting conditions 14/04/1998 04/05/1998
  • Law 1/2000, of 7th January, of Civil Procedure
    • Adoption date for national laws: 07/01/2000
    • In force date: 08/01/2001
Law 1/2000, of 7th January, of Civil Procedure 07/01/2000 08/01/2001
  • Royal Decree 3423/2000, of 15 December, on the regulation of price indication of products offered to consumers and users
    • Adoption date for national laws: 28/12/2000
    • In force date: 29/12/2000
Royal Decree 3423/2000, of 15 December, on the regulation of price indication of products offered to consumers and users 28/12/2000 29/12/2000
Law 34/2002, of July 11, on services of the society of the information and e-commerce. 12/07/2002 12/10/2022

1-10 of 31 documents  for "National Laws"

Enforcement System

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Legal Literature

3 documents found, displaying all  for "Legal Literature"

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DIARIO LA LEY, Nº 7867, SECCIÓN DOCTRINA, 28 DE MAYO DE 2012, AÑO XXXIII, REF. D-220, EDITORIAL LA LEY The new regulation of the multiple shifted use of tourist goods (common Timeshare) in a state of review for the moment in which the holiday tourism sector reactivates PÉREZ DE LA SOTA, F. 01/01/1970
Revista CESCO de Derecho de Consumo, Nº 3/2012 Contractual types and modes of circumvention in the Spanish timeshare system CARRASCO PERERA, A. 01/01/1970
PASOS, Revista de Turismo y Patrimonio Cultural, Vol. 14 N.o 3. Special Issue Págs. 751-768. 2016 Public action and collaborative consumption. Regulation of housing for tourism use in the p2p context GUILLÉN NAVARRO, N. E.; IÑIGUEZ BERROZPE, T. 01/01/1970

3 documents found, displaying all  for "Legal Literature"

Other material

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