Consumer Sales and Guarantees Directive (1999/44) - Slovakia

National Law

1-10 of 36 documents  for "National Laws"

results per page, sorted by 
  • Act No. 97/1963 Coll. on international private and procedural law
    • Adoption date for national laws: 04/12/1963
    • In force date: 16/12/1963
Act No. 97/1963 Coll. on international private and procedural law 04/12/1963 16/12/1963
  • Civil Code
    • Adoption date for national laws: 26/02/1964
    • In force date: 05/03/1964
Civil Code 26/02/1964 05/03/1964
  • Act no. 513/1991 Coll. Commercial Code as amended
    • Adoption date for national laws: 05/01/1991
    • In force date: 01/01/1992
Act no. 513/1991 Coll. Commercial Code as amended 05/01/1991 01/01/1992
  • Act No. 513/1991 Coll. Commercial Code
    • Adoption date for national laws: 05/11/1991
    • In force date: 01/01/1992
Act No. 513/1991 Coll. Commercial Code 05/11/1991 01/01/1992
  • Act no. 270/1995 Coll. on
    • Adoption date for national laws: 15/11/1995
    • In force date: 09/12/1995
Act no. 270/1995 Coll. on 15/11/1995 09/12/1995
  • Act no. 108/200 Coll. on Consumer Protection in Doorstep Selling and Distance Selling
    • Adoption date for national laws: 16/03/2000
    • In force date: 01/04/2000
Act no. 108/200 Coll. on Consumer Protection in Doorstep Selling and Distance Selling 16/03/2000 01/04/2000
  • Act No. 147/2001 Coll. on advertising, as amended
    • Adoption date for national laws: 05/04/2001
    • In force date: 01/05/2001
Act No. 147/2001 Coll. on advertising, as amended 05/04/2001 01/05/2001
  • Act no. 147/2001 Coll. on Advertisement as amended
    • Adoption date for national laws: 05/04/2001
    • In force date: 01/05/2001
Act no. 147/2001 Coll. on Advertisement as amended 05/04/2001 01/05/2001
  • Act no. 281/2001 Coll. on travel packages, conditions for conducting business by travel operators and travel agencies
    • Adoption date for national laws: 14/06/2001
    • In force date: 01/10/2001
Act no. 281/2001 Coll. on travel packages, conditions for conducting business by travel operators and travel agencies 14/06/2001 01/10/2001
  • Act No. 575/2001 Coll. on the Organization of the activity of the government and on the organization of the central state administration
    • Adoption date for national laws: 12/12/2001
    • In force date: 01/01/2002
Act No. 575/2001 Coll. on the Organization of the activity of the government and on the organization of the central state administration 12/12/2001 01/01/2002

1-10 of 36 documents  for "National Laws"

Enforcement System

No results available


3 documents found, displaying all  for "Cases"

results per page, sorted by 
  • 11S/92/2011
    • National ID: 11S/92/2011
    • Common Name: link
    • Directive Part: Article 3, 4. Article 3, 2. Article 8, 2. Article 3, 3., -
    • Decision type: Court decision in appeal
    • Decision date: 24/04/2012
11S/92/2011 link Article 3, 4. Article 3, 2. Article 8, 2. Article 3, 3., -" Court decision in appeal" 24/04/2012
  • 7C/817/2014
    • National ID: 7C/817/2014
    • Common Name: link
    • Directive Part: Article 3, 2. Article 1, 2., (a)
    • Decision type: Court decision, first degree
    • Decision date: 24/02/2015
7C/817/2014 link Article 3, 2. Article 1, 2., (a)" Court decision, first degree" 24/02/2015
  • 7C/792/2014
    • National ID: 7C/792/2014
    • Common Name: link
    • Directive Part: Article 1, 2., (a)
    • Decision type: Court decision, first degree
    • Decision date: 05/03/2015
7C/792/2014 link Article 1, 2., (a)" Court decision, first degree" 05/03/2015

3 documents found, displaying all  for "Cases"

Legal Literature

5 documents found, displaying all  for "Legal Literature"

results per page, sorted by 
  • Compilation of articles
    • Reference: Compilation of articles
    • Title: Disintegration of the Slovak legal system by the consumer law
    • Author: CSACH, K.
    • Publication Year: 2007
Compilation of articles Disintegration of the Slovak legal system by the consumer law CSACH, K. 01/01/1970
CSACH, K., "Spotrebiteľské zmluvy v aplikačnej praxi", Justičná akadémia Slovenskej republiky, 2011, accessed 04.01.2017 Consumer contracts in practice CSACH, K. 01/01/1970
Justičná revue, 66, 2014, no. 3, p. 411-423 Consumer law and Regulation on Common European Sales law RYCHNAVSKÝ, P. 01/01/1970
P. Ondrásiková, Právnická osoba nemôže byť spotrebiteľom?, Wolters Kluwer SK, 2015 A legal entity cannot be a consumer? ONDRÁŠIKOVÁ, P. 01/01/1970
Jana Mazáková, IURIS LIBRI spol. s.r.o., 2016, ISBN 978-80-89635-23-8 Case law. Consumer protection MAZÁKOVÁ, J. 01/01/1970

5 documents found, displaying all  for "Legal Literature"

Other material

One document found.  for "Other Material"

results per page, sorted by 
Guidelines on Consumer Claims with respect to the purchase of goods Slovak Trade Inspection

One document found.  for "Other Material"