Consumer Rights Directive (2011/83) - Belgium

National Law

1-10 of 47 documents  for "National Laws"

results per page, sorted by 
  • Procedural Code
    • Adoption date for national laws: 10/10/1967
    • In force date: 31/10/1967
Procedural Code 10/10/1967 31/10/1967
Law regarding the reform of some economic state owned companies 21/03/1991 27/07/1993
  • Law on commercial practices and the provision of information to and the protection of consumers
    • Adoption date for national laws: 14/07/1991
    • In force date: 29/02/1992
Law on commercial practices and the provision of information to and the protection of consumers 14/07/1991 29/02/1992
  • Act of 14 July 1991 on trade practices and consumer information and protection (FR)
    • Adoption date for national laws: 14/07/1991
    • In force date: 29/02/1992
Act of 14 July 1991 on trade practices and consumer information and protection (FR) 14/07/1991 29/02/1992
  • Act of 14 July 1991 on trade practices and consumer information and protection (NL)
    • Adoption date for national laws: 14/07/1991
    • In force date: 29/08/1991
Act of 14 July 1991 on trade practices and consumer information and protection (NL) 14/07/1991 29/08/1991
  • Royal order of 6 September 1993 containing special provisions for the distance marketing of certain products or categories of products (FR)
    • Adoption date for national laws: 06/09/1993
    • In force date: 15/10/1993
Royal order of 6 September 1993 containing special provisions for the distance marketing of certain products or categories of products (FR) 06/09/1993 15/10/1993
  • Royal order of 6 September 1993 containing special provisions for the distance marketing of certain products or categories of products (NL)
    • Adoption date for national laws: 06/09/1993
    • In force date: 01/01/9999
Royal order of 6 September 1993 containing special provisions for the distance marketing of certain products or categories of products (NL) 06/09/1993 01/01/9999
  • Act of 16 February 1994 regulating the package travel contracts and the travel intermediation contracts (NL)
    • Adoption date for national laws: 16/02/1994
    • In force date: 01/01/9999
Act of 16 February 1994 regulating the package travel contracts and the travel intermediation contracts (NL) 16/02/1994 01/01/9999
  • Act of 16 February 1994 regulating the package travel contracts and the travel intermediation contracts (FR)
    • Adoption date for national laws: 16/02/1994
    • In force date: 04/10/1994
Act of 16 February 1994 regulating the package travel contracts and the travel intermediation contracts (FR) 16/02/1994 04/10/1994
  • Act regulating the package travel contracts and the travel intermediation contracts
    • Adoption date for national laws: 16/02/1994
    • In force date: 04/10/1994
Act regulating the package travel contracts and the travel intermediation contracts 16/02/1994 04/10/1994

1-10 of 47 documents  for "National Laws"

Enforcement System

No results available


2 documents found, displaying all  for "Cases"

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  • link
    • National ID: link
    • Common Name: link
    • Directive Part: Article 2, (a) Chapter 2, Article 5
    • Decision type: Court decision, first degree
    • Decision date: 29/01/2015
link link Article 2, (a) Chapter 2, Article 5" Court decision, first degree" 29/01/2015
  • link
    • National ID: link
    • Common Name: link
    • Directive Part: link link
    • Decision type: Court decision, first degree
    • Decision date: 24/06/2015
link link link link" Court decision, first degree" 24/06/2015

2 documents found, displaying all  for "Cases"

Legal Literature

7 documents found, displaying all  for "Legal Literature"

results per page, sorted by 
I. SAMOY en E. TERRYN, "Informatie aan consumenten in het Voorstel voor een Richtlijn Consumentenrechten" DCCR 2009, nrs. 84-85, 36-80. Information to consumers in the Proposal for a Consumer Rights Directive SAMOY, I., TERRYN, E. 01/01/1970
E. TERRYN, "Buiten verkoopruimten gesloten overeenkomsten" SEW 2009, afl. 3, 135 Contracts concluded outside of the business premises TERRYN, E. 01/01/1970
X., La directive 2011/83/UE du 25 octobre 2011 relative aux droits des consommateurs, TBBR 2013, afl. 4, 174-207. The Directive 2011/83 of 25 October 2011 on consumer rights CRUYSMANS, E., DELFORGE, C., DE PIERPONT, G., DONNET, C., NINANE, Y., NOEL, M., STROOBANT, P., VAN ZUYLEN, J. 01/01/1970
A. DIERICK, "De Europese Richtlijn Consumentenrechten. Richtlijn 2011/83 en de impact op de Belgische Wet Marktpraktijken", Nieuw Notarieel Kwartaalschrift 2014, afl. 1, 3-13. The European Consumer Rights Directive. Directive 2011/83 and its impact on the Belgian Law of Commercial Practices. DIERICK, A. 01/01/1970
R. STEENNOT and E. TERRYN, "The new provisions from Book VI of the Code of Economic Law: a first commentary" DCCR 2014, 104, 3-61. The new provisions from Book VI of the Code of Economic Law: a first commentary STEENNOT, R., TERRYN, E. 01/01/1970
G. STRAETMANS, "Informatie van de markt", TPR 2015, afl. 3-4, 1378-1384. Information of the market STRAETMANS, G. 01/01/1970
  • TPR 2015, afl. 3-4, 1657-1691
    • Reference: TPR 2015, afl. 3-4, 1657-1691
    • Title: Off-premises contracts - combined offer - public sales
    • Author: TERRYN, E., KEIRSBILCK, B.
    • Publication Year: 2015
TPR 2015, afl. 3-4, 1657-1691 Off-premises contracts - combined offer - public sales TERRYN, E., KEIRSBILCK, B. 01/01/1970

7 documents found, displaying all  for "Legal Literature"

Other material

3 documents found, displaying all  for "Other Material"

results per page, sorted by 
Information to the consumer - Distance contract Federal Public Service for the Economy
Information to the consumer - off-premises contracts or contracts concluded outside of the usual venue of professional practice Federal Public Service for the Economy
The right of withdrawal for distance contracts Federal Public Service for the Economy

3 documents found, displaying all  for "Other Material"