
  • Rechtssachenbeschreibung
    • Nationale Kennung: 7 Ob 287/01h
    • Mitgliedstaat: Österreich
    • Gebräuchliche Bezeichnung:N/A
    • Art des Beschlusses: Sonstiges
    • Beschlussdatum: 17/04/2002
    • Gericht: Oberster Gerichtshof
    • Betreff:
    • Kläger:
    • Beklagter:
    • Schlagworte: Rechtsprechung Österreich Deutsch
  • Artikel der Richtlinie
    Unfair Contract Terms Directive, ANNEX I, 1.
  • Leitsatz
    1. Bei der ex ante-Kontrolle der inkriminierten Versicherungsvertragsklausel nach § 6 Abs 2 Z 3 KSchG ist vom Faktorenkatalog des § 178f Abs 2 VersVG auszugehen. Entspricht die im Krankenversicherungsvertrag enthaltene Anpassungsklausel den dort festgelegten Faktoren, so ist sie nach § 6 Abs 2 Z 3 KSchG auch ohne eine Aushandlung im einzelnen wirksam. Der Grundsatz der vertraglichen Äquivalenz ist auch im Sinne der Richtlinie 93/13/EWG des Rates nicht verletzt.
  • Sachverhalt
    The Austrian Consumers’ Association brought a class action against an insurance company under §§ 28 ff KSchG. It applied for an injunction against the defendant, ordering it to desist from applying in its commercial transactions with consumers the following clause and equivalent clauses: “The insurer is entitled to amend the standard terms and conditions of insurance as well as the payment plan where such amendments are required on the grounds of changes to the factors referred to in the payment plan, changes in the health system or changes in the legal provisions applicable to it”. In addition, the Association requested that the verdict be made public.
    The Court of First Instance upheld the claim, as did the Court of Appeal.
  • Rechtsfrage
  • Entscheidung

    The defendant’s appeal to the OGH was successful in that the court revised the verdicts of the lower courts and rejected the claim. In giving the reasons behind its ruling, the Supreme Court had to explore first and foremost the relationship between § 178f VersVG and the legal provisions contained in § 6 para 1 line 5 and para 3 line 3 KSchG. To do so, the court referred to historical material, discussed provisions in consumer law and argued that health insurance was a special case since it was provided for an unusually long period of time. The OGH reached the conclusion outlined in the headnote above. It held that the disputed clause was in line with the factors documented in § 178f para 2 VersVG.

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