Sodna praksa

  • Podatki o zadevi
    • Nacionalna ID: Supreme Court, Judgment II Ips 195/2018
    • Država članica: Slovenija
    • Splošno ime:N/A
    • Vrsta odločbe: Sodba vrhovnega sodišča
    • Datum odločbe: 25/10/2018
    • Sodišče: Supreme Court
    • Zadeva:
    • Tožnik:
    • Toženec:
    • Ključne besede: unfair contract terms, consumer credit, information duty
  • Členi direktive
    Unfair Contract Terms Directive, Article 4
  • Uvodna opomba


  • Dejstva
  • Pravna zadeva

    The requirements of the information duty under Article 4 of the Directive 93/13.

  • Odločba

    The Supreme Court of the RS emphasizes that excessive concern for the consumer is incompatible with the concept of an individual who is a reasonable, prudent, autonomous and free individual, capable of taking responsible, economic, life and personal decisions in his life.

    As an individual's freedom and dignity can be undermined by under-care, the same effect can be caused by an excessive concern. The balance between one and the other in the specific case expresses an information duty, that is, a mechanism that enables the consumer to become acquainted with the necessary information on the basis of which he will be able to make a decision which he himself considers to be the most acceptable. It can opt for risk and higher expected benefits, or for smaller benefits at a lower risk.

    The law cannot indicate to the individual what is good for him and direct him to what he thinks is useful and good for the average consumer.


    Celotno besedilo: Celotno besedilo

  • Povezane zadeve

    Zadetki niso na voljo

  • Pravna literatura

    Zadetki niso na voljo

  • Zadetek
