
  • Bijzonderheden van de zaak
    • Nationaal ID: Court of Appeal, Hertogenbosch, Judgement 200.126.999
    • Lidstaat: Nederland
    • Gangbare benaming:N/A
    • Soort beslissing: Rechterlijke beslissing in beroep
    • Datum beslissing: 19/03/2019
    • Gerecht: Gerechtshof ’s-Hertogenbosch
    • Onderwerp:
    • Eiser:
    • Verweerder:
    • Trefwoorden: Misleading advertisement, burden of proof, duty to substantiate misleading nature of statement
  • Richtlijnartikelen
    Misleading and Comparative Advertising Directive, Article 7 Misleading and Comparative Advertising Directive, Article 7
  • Koptekst


    The plaintiff joined a purchasing consortium with his bicycle company on the basis of statements made on behalf of the defendant. According to the plaintiff, these statements were misleading. Under Art. 6:195 Civil Code, the party that has communicated a statement in the performance of his business that is claimed to have been misleading in a B2B-setting, bears the burden of proof of the correctness and completeness of the statement. According to the Court of Appeal, however, the alleged victim of the statement is required to state the reasons for which the other party’s communications should be regarded as misleading.

  • Feiten

    The plaintiff was a member of a purchasing consortium with his bicycle company. He then joined Biretco. He had been informed about this franchise organisation by a person employed by Detavisie, a sister company of Biretco whose task it was to acquire customers for Biretco. In addition, the plaintiff had been informed by means of a Biretco advertising leaflet detailing the advantages of joining this franchise organisation. These advantages were mainly that by joint purchasing, economies of scale could be achieved, that the operating results of the affiliated entrepreneurs would improve and that Biretco would advance the payment of the invoices of affiliated suppliers, whereby the franchisee could place orders. If the franchisee reimbursed Biretco quickly, Biretco received a payment discount, yet if reimbursed after 30 days, the franchisee paid a high-interest rate. There were costs associated with Biretco's membership, which were stated in the agreement and the associated general terms and conditions. No forecasts were made for the plaintiff’s company before he joined. At a later stage, Detavisie and subsequently Biretco made financial analyses of the plaintiff’s company. These analyses compared the plaintiff’s figures with so-called Detavisie/Biretco standards. The reproaches made by the plaintiff against Biretco can be summarised as follows:

    (a) Biretco recruits on the basis of untrue statements in its advertising leaflets and untrue promotions by its acquirer;

    (b) During the term of the contract, Biretco reconfirmed the untrue statements (including through Detavisie);

    (c) Biretco surreptitiously negotiated benefits for itself at the expense of the plaintiff;

    (d) Biretco did not provide the plaintiff with adequate financial support.

    The plaintiff sought avoidance of the contract for mistake or deception, and compensation for damages on various legal grounds (non-performance, tort, misleading advertising etc.)

  • Juridische kwestie

    Is the alleged victim of a misleading commercial statement required to indicate the reasons for which the other party’s communications should be regarded as misleading?

  • Uitspraak

    On the basis of Art. 6:195 Civil Code, Biretco bears the burden of proof of the correctness and completeness of the facts contained in or suggested by the communication and on which the alleged misleading nature of the communication is based. However, the plaintiff is obliged to state the reasons as to in what respect Biretco's communications should be regarded as misleading. In the view of the Court of Appeal, the plaintiff failed to state what facts he considered to be misleading in this context, other than his assertions that Biretco had made incorrect forecasts about the operating results to be achieved, which were found to be unjustified. The plaintiff’s claim, for this reason, is therefore rejected as insufficiently substantiated.


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  • Resultaat

    The alleged victim of a misleading commercial statement is required to state the reasons for which the other party’s communications should be considered misleading. As the plaintiff failed to do so, the decision of the District Court is confirmed and the plaintiff’s claim is dismissed.