
  • Bijzonderheden van de zaak
    • Nationaal ID: Supreme Court, Judgement in case 19/00319
    • Lidstaat: Nederland
    • Gangbare benaming:cassatie
    • Soort beslissing: Beslissing hooggerechtshof
    • Datum beslissing: 27/03/2020
    • Gerecht: Hoge Raad
    • Onderwerp:
    • Eiser:
    • Verweerder:
    • Trefwoorden: unfair terms
  • Richtlijnartikelen
    Unfair Contract Terms Directive, Article 3, 1.
  • Koptekst



    The Supreme Court clarifies how the (un)fairness of a contractual expiration clause is to be determined. Under such a clause, a consumer may lose their claim if the claim has not been brought within a specified period of time. The Supreme Court distinguished between three types of expiration clauses, each of which is treated differently as regards the burden of proof of unfairness.

  • Feiten

    In this case, the plaintiffs are the owners of houses that were built by a project developer on the basis of purchase-and-building contracts concluded with the owners at the beginning of 2008. In the terms and conditions used by the project developer, the following clause appeared:

    "1. The entrepreneur guarantees the house for six months after the date of delivery against shortcomings appearing therein.

    2. After the period mentioned in the first paragraph of this article, the entrepreneur is no longer liable for any defects to the accommodation, unless (a-c)


    6. The legal action on account of a hidden defect shall not be admissible if it is brought after the expiry of five years from the period referred to in the first paragraph of this article. (…)”

    The houses were delivered in or about May 2009.

    The Sustainable Energy Service Point reported to the Province of North Holland on the energy system of the houses in June 2013. It found that the air heating system in the houses is designed for a higher supply temperature (70 ˚C) than the collective heat and cold generation system, which is designed for 55-35 ˚C. To still be able to provide the required heat, the energy supplier increased the supply temperature of the collective plant, resulting in lower-than-expected energy savings. On behalf of the owners of the houses, Deerns Nederland B.V. reported in October 2015 on the sustainability of the energy system and concluded, among other things, that significantly lower CO2 emission savings were achieved than promised, that the system's performance was poor, and that the actual energy savings were only a quarter of what might be expected based on the design assumptions.

    The owners of the houses, consumers within the meaning of Directive 93/13, subsequently demanded specific performance of the contractual arrangements regarding the sustainability of the energy system or compensation of the loss of property value. The project developer invoked the clause quoted above. Both in first instance and in appeal, the consumers’ claims were denied.

  • Juridische kwestie

    Is the expiration clause in the project developer’s terms and conditions unfair to the consumers within the meaning of Article 6:233 under a Dutch Civil Code?

  • Uitspraak

    The Supreme Court distinguished between three types of expiration clauses, each of which is treated differently as regards the burden of proof of unfairness.

    (1) If the expiration clause shortens a statutory prescription period to a prescription period of less than one year or a statutory period for the forfeiture of a claim to another specific period for the forfeiture of that claim, the term is deemed to be unfair (blacklisted term, Art. 6:236 under g Dutch Civil Code).

    (2) Expiration clauses shortening either a statutory prescription period to a prescription period of one year or longer or shortening a statutory period for the forfeiture of a claim to a period of one year or longer for the forfeiture of that claim, are to be tested under Art. 6:233 under the Dutch Civil Code (general unfairness test with the burden of proof on the consumer).

    (3) All other expiration clauses – including terms that turn a statutory prescription period into another specific period for the forfeiture of a claim – are presumed to be unfair but may be justified by the trader (greylisted term, Art. 6:237 under h Dutch Civil Code).


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  • Resultaat

    The Supreme Court quashed the decision of the Court of Appeal and referred the case to another court of appeal for a new decision.