
  • Dane sprawy
    • Identyfikator krajowy: Appeal Court, Warsaw, Judgement I ACa 427/20
    • Państwo członkowskie: Polska
    • Nazwa zwyczajowa:N/A
    • Rodzaj decyzji: Orzeczenie sądu w postępowaniu odwoławczym
    • Data decyzji: 10/03/2021
    • Sąd: Sąd Apelacyjny w Warszawie
    • Temat:
    • Powód/powódka:
    • Pozwany/Pozwana:
    • Słowa kluczowe: unfair terms, main subject matter, credit agreement, nullity, cancellation of contract
  • Artykuły dyrektywy
    Unfair Contract Terms Directive, Article 3 Unfair Contract Terms Directive, Article 4
  • Uwaga główna

    The judgement focuses on the possibility of including a foreign currency indexation clause in a credit agreement and potentially recognising it as an unfair term.

  • Fakty

    The plaintiff concluded a mortgage credit agreement with the defendant in the amount of PLN 253,000 for the purposes of, inter alia, the purchase of a dwelling and financing the costs of renovation works in this dwelling, whereby the granted credit was indexed to the Swiss franc. Pursuant to the provisions of the credit agreement (§ 7), on November 26, 2018, the defendant made a one-off payment of the full amount of the credit to the plaintiff, and its repayment was to be made in equal monthly instalments for a period of 456 months (i.e. until December 15, 2046.). The parties to the credit agreement agreed that the amount of principal and interest instalments would bear interest at a variable interest rate - the basis for determining the interest rate was to be the 3-month LIBOR rate for the Swiss franc (at the time of issuing the credit decision, it was set at 2.93%) increased by a fixed a bank margin of 2.9% (§ 9 section 2). The principal and interest instalments were to be repaid in PLN after their conversion at the selling rate of the Swiss franc from the bank's exchange rate table, applicable on the repayment date at 2:50 pm (§ 10 section 4). According to the so-called “indexation clause”, the credit amount expressed in the indexation currency at the end of November 4, 2008, according to the buy rate from the bank's exchange rate table, is CHF 110,731.79, and this amount is indicative and does not constitute the bank's liability. The value of the credit expressed in a foreign currency on the credit disbursement date may be different from the abovementioned one. (§ 1 section 3a of the credit agreement). The principal and interest instalments are repaid in PLN after conversion at the selling rate (...) from the bank's exchange rate table for the repayment date at 2:50 pm (§ 10 section 4 of the credit agreement). Early repayment of the entire credit or principal and interest instalment, as well as repayment exceeding the amount of the instalment, causes the repayment amount to be converted at the selling rate from the bank's exchange rate table, applicable on the repayment date and time (§ 12 section 5 of the credit agreement). Upon the issuance of the bank enforcement order) from the date of bringing an action for payment of the bank's receivables under the credit agreement, the bank converts the receivables into PLN at the selling rate from the Bank's exchange rate table on the date of issuing the bank enforcement title or bringing an action (§ 15 section 4 of the credit agreement).

  • Zagadnienie prawne

    Can a foreign currency indexation clause be included as a term in a credit agreement, and can it be recognised as an unfair term?

  • Decyzja

    The indexation clause does not contradict the essence of the credit agreement, and the reference, when applying the credit indexation mechanism, to the exchange rates applied by the bank does not mean the agreement is invalid due to its inconsistency with the mandatory provisions of law. Only in a situation where the indexation mechanism has not been individually agreed with the consumer, and is unfair and grossly violates his interest, there are grounds to believe that these provisions are not binding on the consumer.

    URL: https://orzeczenia.ms.gov.pl/content/$N/154500000000503_I_ACa_000427_2020_Uz_2021-03-10_001

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  • Wynik
    The Appeal Court rejected the defendant’s appeal.