
  • Dane sprawy
    • Identyfikator krajowy: Appeal Court, Katowice, Judgement I ACa 1026/18
    • Państwo członkowskie: Polska
    • Nazwa zwyczajowa:N/A
    • Rodzaj decyzji: Orzeczenie sądu w postępowaniu odwoławczym
    • Data decyzji: 12/04/2021
    • Sąd: Sąd Apelacyjny w Katowicach
    • Temat:
    • Powód/powódka:
    • Pozwany/Pozwana:
    • Słowa kluczowe: unfair terms, main subject matter, credit agreement, nullity, cancellation of contract
  • Artykuły dyrektywy
    Unfair Contract Terms Directive, Article 3 Unfair Contract Terms Directive, Article 4
  • Uwaga główna

    In the judgement, the court focuses on the consequences of declaring a credit agreement null and void for mutual settlement of the parties.

  • Fakty

    On 23 September 2008, the plaintiff concluded a mortgage credit agreement indexed to the Swiss franc (hereinafter CHF) with the defendant bank. On the basis of this agreement, the defendant granted the plaintiff a credit in the amount of PLN 318,709.47, which on the date of its conclusion was the equivalent of CHF 162,772.97.

    The parties agreed that the amount of the liability will be determined as the equivalent of the said repayment expressed in CHF - after its conversion at the selling rate of the currencies specified in the "Banking table of exchange rates for foreign currency borrowers and indexed to foreign currencies" (§ 10 section 3 of the agreement). The credit was to be repaid by March 31, 2032. Until May 2, 2017, the claimant paid the defendant PLN 416,156.43 for the repayment. In the following months, from May 27 to August 2, 2017, the plaintiff paid the defendant another 4 instalments of PLN 2,120, a total of PLN 8,480. In the plaintiff's opinion, the amounts transferred by him to the defendant for the repayment of the credit are undue benefits within the meaning of Art. 410 § 2 of the Civil Code in connection with Art. 405 of the Civil Code. The contract concluded by the parties is invalid. This nullity results from the contradiction with the provisions of the Banking Law, which did not provide for the possibility of banks granting credit agreements in Polish zlotys indexed to a foreign currency, in this case to CHF. The method of indexing the debt to the CHF provided for in the contract is also unacceptable. Moreover, in the plaintiff's opinion, the contract contains an abusive clause which allows the Bank to establish a foreign exchange rate in contractual relations with the claimant as a consumer unilaterally. In addition, the plaintiff is charged with a hidden margin in the form of a unilaterally determined fee, the so-called currency spread. Omission of the clause referred to in § 10 para. 3 of the contract, in the plaintiff's opinion, should result in the entire contract being declared null and void. The claimed amount is the difference between the credit paid to the plaintiff by the Bank in the performance of the questioned contract and the sum of repayments made by the plaintiff to the defendant until the date of bringing the action.

  • Zagadnienie prawne

    May payments made on the basis of a credit agreement be considered undue after recognising its term or terms as unfair and declaring the agreement as null and void?

  • Decyzja

    The contract of the parties cannot be performed without the prohibited clauses, which makes it invalid. As a consequence, the benefit provided by the plaintiff to the defendant bank in performance of the invalid contract should be considered undue within the meaning of Art. 410 § 2 of the Civil Code.

    URL: https://orzeczenia.ms.gov.pl/content/$N/151500000000503_I_ACa_001026_2018_Uz_2021-04-12_003

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  • Wynik

    The Appeal Court amended the first-degree judgement.