
  • Detalii privind cazul
    • ID național: High Court of Cassation and Justice, 2nd Civil Section, Judgement no 309/2021
    • Statul membru: România
    • Denumire comună:N/A
    • Tipul de decizie: Hotărârea Curții Supreme
    • Data deciziei: 11/02/2021
    • Instanţa: Inalta Curte de Casatie si Justitie, Secţia a II-a civilă
    • Obiect:
    • Reclamantul:
    • Pârâtul:
    • Cuvinte-cheie: credit agreement, unfair terms, consumer rights, national law, case law, nullity, information obligation, imbalance between the rights of the parties
  • Articole din directivă
    Unfair Contract Terms Directive, Article 1, 2. Unfair Contract Terms Directive, Article 3, 1.
  • Notă preliminară

    The contractual clause stipulating the obligation for the borrower to reimburse the loan in the foreign currency in which it was granted (CHF) and transferring to him the risk of appreciation of the currency cannot be the subject of court censorship as regards its unfairness, since it reflects a national legal norm and, as such, does not fall within the scope of the D. 93/13 and of the Law no. 193/2000.

  • Fapte

    In a dispute between consumers (as borrowers) and a bank, regarding the unfair character of the clause on the foreign exchange risk found in a loan agreement denominated in a foreign currency, both the courts in first instance and in appeal rejected the consumers’ claims and refused to stabilize the exchange rate at the value as per the date of the conclusion of the contract. The consumers launched an appeal on points of law, alleging a violation of the Law 193/2000 on the unfair terms.

  • Chestiune juridică

    Can a contractual clause stipulating the reimbursement of the loan in the foreign currency in which it was granted and imposing on the consumer the exchange risk be sanctioned as an unfair term, when it reflects a national legal norm (applicable when the parties did not derogate from it)?

  • Hotărârea

    The criticism raised by the consumers concerning the lack of a clear and intelligible nature of the foreign exchange risk clause, the significant imbalance between the rights and obligations of the parties, the lack of good faith of the bank at the time of concluding the credit agreement, and the lack of information and negotiation of contractual clauses cannot be upheld, since the decision of the Court of Appeal was not based on reasons related to the violation of art. 4(1) of the Law 193/2000 (which was not applicable).

    Also, the criticism regarding the exclusion of the exchange risk clause from the control of its unfairness cannot be accepted since, according to art. 3(1) of the Directive and to its interpretation by the ECJ, the clauses that reflect statutory provisions, suppletive ones included, are excluded from the scope of application of the Directive. The exclusion covers not only clauses that reflect national mandatory norms, but also national suppletive norms. Since the contested exchange risk clause reflects the monetary nominalism principle (found in art. 1578 old Civil code), the exclusion applies (even is if it is not mandatory) and the court correctly applied art. 3(2) of the Law 193/2000.

    Regarding the obligation of the professional to offer proper information to the consumer, this should be kept in reasonable limits. The fluctuations of the exchange rate are notorious even for the most unadvised consumer; it was not proved that the bank knew (in advance) the evolution of the exchange rate, it cannot be reasonably expected that it is able to anticipate this evolution for long periods of time or for it to be the personal counsellor of the client on budget matters and to substitute the will of the client when a product is chosen.

    Text integral: Text integral

  • Cazuri conexe

    Nu există rezultate disponibile

  • Doctrină

    Nu există rezultate disponibile

  • Rezultat

    The court rejected the appeal on points of law raised by the consumers and upheld the Court of Appeal judgement which established that the contractual clause imposing on the consumers the foreign exchange risk cannot be censored as regards is eventual unfairness and thus refused to stabilize the exchange rate as per the date of the conclusion of the contract. The judgement is final.