
  • Sagsoplysninger
    • Nationalt ID-nr.: afd. B-0144-00
    • Medlemsstat: Danmark
    • Almindeligt anvendt navn:A and B vs. C and D
    • Afgørelsestype: Andet
    • Afgørelsesdato: 29/09/2000
    • Retsinstans: Vestre Landsret
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  • Direktivets artikler
    Unfair Contract Terms Directive, Article 5
  • Indledende note
    The case concerned the interpretation of a contract term according to the Formation of Contract Act § 38 b, subsec. 1, 1st sentence (implementing art. 5, 2nd sentence of Directive 93/13/EC).
  • Fakta
    A and B bought a real property from C and D. The financing of the property included the raising of a transfer of ownership loan. When the loan was disbursed it turned out that A and B had suffered a fall in value of the loan. Pursuant to the parties’ contract the buyers carried the risk for price fluctuations from the date of the formation of the contract. However, the contract did not explicitly state who carried the risk in the period from the compilation of the contract until the conclusion of the contract. The dispute in the case dealt with this matter.
    A and B claimed that C and D should carry the risk for the price fluctuation due to the wording of the contract and the fact that the contract was a consumer contract which should be construed in favour of the consumers, A and B, cf. the Formation of Contract Act §§ 38 a, subsec. 3 and 38 b, subsec. 1, 1st sentence (implementing art. 5, 2nd sentence of Directive 93/13/EC).
    C and D, on the other hand, claimed that A and B should carry the risk of the price fluctuation. C and D primarily referred to an expert statement that concluded there existed a trade usage according to which the buyer carried the risk also in the period from the compilation of the contract an until the conclusion of the contract.
  • Juridisk spørgsmål
  • Afgørelse

    The District Court ruled in favour of C and D, attaching importance mainly to the expert statement and the fact that A and B had obtained legal council in connection with the formation of the contract.
    The Majority of the Eastern High Court, however, reversed the decision, attaching importance mainly to the allegations raised by A and B, i.e. the wording of the contract together with the Formation of Contract Act §§ 38 a, subsec. 3 and 38 b, subsec. 1, 1st sentence. Thus, the majority set aside the expert statement. The minority of the Court ruled in favour of C and D, essentially supporting C and D’s allegations.

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