
  • Podrobnosti případu
    • Národní identifikační číslo: 8 As 136/2015 - 51
    • členský stát: Česko
    • Obecný název:N/A
    • Typ rozhodnutí: Správní rozhodnutí v odvolacím řízení
    • Datum vydání rozhodnutí: 24/08/2016
    • Soud: Nejvyšší správní soud
    • Předmět:
    • Žalobce: Penny Market, s. r. o. (a legal person, a limited liability company)
    • Žalovaný: Odvolací finanční ředitelství (the Appellate Financial Directorate)
    • Klíčová slova: administrative actions, administrative authority, consumer, gambling, illegal products
  • Články směrnice
    Unfair Commercial Practices Directive, link
  • Úvodní poznámka
    The general prohibition of the operation of consumer lotteries as specified in § 1 (5) of Act no. 202/1990 Coll., on lotteries and other similar games (valid until 31.12.2016, then replaced by Act No. 186/2016 on gambling), which does not allow for interpretation regarding whether a particular consumer lottery has an "unfair" character within the meaning of Article 5 of Directive 2005/29/EC concerning unfair business-to-consumer commercial practices in the internal market, is in violation of that directive.

    Extensive national regulation beyond provisions of directive violating content of such directive may not serve as legal grounds to impose a penalty based on priority of union legislation.

  • Skutkový stav
    The defendant imposed a fine of CZK 4.000.000 on the plaintiff for organizing 8 competitions, which were prohibited consumer lotteries, during the year 2012.

    The plaintiff challenged the defendant's decision in the regional court, which annulled the contested decision. The defendant then appealed in cassation claiming that the regional court inadequately assessed the statement of the defendant. In this statement, the defendant stated that the opinion of the Ministry of Finance about certain game concepts sharing characteristics with lotteries is not binding for the defendant and as such may not be the base for the creation of an administrative practice.
  • Právní otázky
    Are competitions in which customers may win prices and goods without betting prohibited consumer lotteries or not?
  • Rozhodnutí

    Consumer lotteries, as defined in the Act on lotteries, are a "commercial practice" within the meaning of Art. 2 point. d) of Directive 2005/29/EC. The Court of Justice of the European Union ("CJEU") confirmed that this concept includes consumer promotions which link the purchase of goods or the use of services with the participation of consumers in a lottery or prize competition. According to the CJEU, the Directive is characterized by a particularly wide scope applicable to all business practices that are directly related to the promotion, sale or supply of a product to consumers.

    The Directive fully harmonises the rules relating to unfair business practices against consumers. Therefore, Member States cannot adopt more restrictive measures than those stated in this Directive, even in order to achieve a higher level of consumer protection.

    The Act on lotteries lays down a general ban on consumer lotteries which, in violation of the Art. 5 to 9 of Directive 2005/29/EC, does not allow an individual examination of the specific criteria referred to in these articles. Legislation in contrary to the Directive providing a wider range of prohibited practices cannot be the basis for the imposition of sanctions for failure to comply with such a prohibition.

    URL: http://www.nssoud.cz/files/SOUDNI_VYKON/2015/0136_8As__1500051_20160829140528_prevedeno.pdf

    Úplné znění: Úplné znění

  • Související případy

    Výsledky nejsou k dispozici.

  • Právní nauka

    Výsledky nejsou k dispozici.

  • Výsledek
    The appeal in cassation was accepted. The decision of the defendant was annulled and the case returned to the defendant for further proceedings. The defendant was obliged to pay the costs of the proceedings.