
  • Dane sprawy
    • Identyfikator krajowy: VI ACa 1685/14
    • Państwo członkowskie: Polska
    • Nazwa zwyczajowa:N/A
    • Rodzaj decyzji: Orzeczenie sądu w postępowaniu odwoławczym
    • Data decyzji: 30/11/2015
    • Sąd: Sąd Apelacyjny w Warszawie
    • Temat:
    • Powód/powódka: (...) Bank (...) S.A.
    • Pozwany/Pozwana: President of the OCCP
    • Słowa kluczowe: administrative authority, advertising, average consumer, misleading advertising, misleading commercial practices, unfair commercial practices
  • Artykuły dyrektywy
    Unfair Commercial Practices Directive, Chapter 1, Article 2, (e)
  • Uwaga główna
    (1) An advertisement is misleading if a typical consumer's perception about an entity's activity is not in accordance with reality.

    (2) The assessment of whether an advertisement is misleading should be made in a normative, not empiric way. This means that, in assessing an advertisement, the court should take into account its experience based on the model of a typical consumer who is well-informed, observant and circumspect.

    (3) Internet advertising does not have to contain all the essential information provided for by the Act on Combating Unfair Commercial Practices. This is because internet advertising has its own specifics involving the presentation of the main, most attractive features of a product in a short and accessible form.
  • Fakty
    The plaintiff challenged the decision of the President of the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection (OCCP).

    The President of the OCCP imposed administrative sanctions on the plaintiff, an entity conducting economic activity in the banking sector. In its official advertisements addressed to consumers, the plaintiff offered free-of-charge internet money transfers. However, only transfers in PLN were free-of-charge, and clients had to pay for transfers in EUR and other currencies.

    Moreover, in its advertising campaign concerning a free-of-charge bank account, the plaintiff omitted information about rate and conditions of calculation the payment for using a debit card.

    In his decision, the President of the OCCP declared that the plaintiff's practices infringe collective consumer interests.

    The plaintiff appealed to the Court of Competition and Consumer Protection (SOKiK), arguing that the advertising information concerning money transfers was true with respect to transfers in PLN, which constitute the major part of this type of service. The plaintiff argues that. taking into account the small percentage of transfers in other currencies, this practice cannot be perceived as an infringement of collective consumer interests. The District Court did not share the plaintiff's argumentation and upheld the President of the OCCP decision in this regard.

    The SOKiK also upheld the President of the OCCP's view concerning the lack of information about payments for debit cards that are connected to bank accounts, i.e. that it may be misleading to a typical consumer.

    Consequently, the SOKiK upheld the decision of the President of the OCCP in full and the plaintiff appealed to the Court of Appeal.
  • Zagadnienie prawne
    (1) How should "misleading advertising" be understood?

    (2) How should the court assess whether an advertisement is misleading?

    (3) Should internet advertising contain all the essential information provided for by the Act on Combating Unfair Commercial Practices?
  • Decyzja

    The court stated that the plaintiff's appeal should be accepted in the part concerning the advertising of a free-of-charge bank account without information about payments for a debit card.

    However, the court shared the view of the President of the OCCP concerning free-of-charge money transfers and accepted that this practice infringes collective consumer interests.

    The court stated that the point of reference in assessing whether a practice is unfair should be the model of the typical consumer. Further, in the context of the facts of the case, the court stated that an advertisement is misleading if a typical consumer's perception about the practice of the entity is not in accordance with reality. The assessment of whether an advertisement is misleading should be made in a normative, not empiric way. This means that, in assessing an advertisement, the court should take into account its experience based on the model of a typical consumer who is well-informed, observant and circumspect.

    With respect to the first practice, the court pointed out that a typical consumer who has a bank account and who uses a debit card is aware that these are two separate services. The plaintiff's advertisement refers only to the free-of-charge bank account without any information about payments for a debit card. In the court's opinion, a typical consumer should be aware that he/she may be obliged to pay for using a card, which is another banking service. Taking this into account, the court declared that the plaintiff's practice does not infringe collective consumer interests.

    The court also noted that internet advertising does not have to contain all the essential information provided for by the Act on Combating Unfair Commercial Practices. Internet advertising does not have to contain all the essential information provided for by the Act on Combating Unfair Commercial Practices. It is justified by the fact, that the internet advertising has its own specifics involving the presentation of the main, most attractive features of a product in a short and accessible form.

    With regard to the second practice, the court upheld the decision of the President of the OCCP. The court emphasized that money transfers in foreign currencies are not as common as in PLN and in the effect, the typical consumer does not have to know that transfer in foreign currency is a different kind of transfer and has to pay for it. This means that an advertisement stating that internet money transfers are free of charge may be misleading to consumers. Consequently, the court ruled that the plaintiff's practice in this regard infringes collective consumer interests.

    URL: http://orzeczenia.waw.sa.gov.pl/content/$N/154500000003003_VI_ACa_001685_2014_Uz_2015-11-30_002

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  • Wynik
    The Court partially accepted the plaintiff's claim.