
  • Bijzonderheden van de zaak
    • Nationaal ID: ECLI:NL:RBROT:2016:6108
    • Lidstaat: Nederland
    • Gangbare benaming:N/A
    • Soort beslissing: Rechterlijke beslissing, eerste aanleg
    • Datum beslissing: 21/07/2016
    • Gerecht: Rechtbank Rotterdam
    • Onderwerp:
    • Eiser: Tjaden B.V. (Tjaden)
    • Verweerder: Schipper SBT Brontechniek B.V. (Schipper)
    • Trefwoorden: ability to supply, information requirements, terms and conditions, unfair terms
  • Richtlijnartikelen
    Unfair Contract Terms Directive, link
  • Koptekst
    Supplying general terms and conditions via a 'deeplink' does not qualify as a 'reasonable possibility to take notice of the general terms and conditions'.
  • Feiten
    A procedural issue has arisen between Tjaden (plaintiff) and Schipper SBT (defendant). The agreement between the plaintiff and the defendant contained a clause in which the general terms and conditions were declared exclusively applicable. The plaintiff's terms and conditions stated that not the court but an arbitrator was competent to take notice of disputes risen between parties. The defendant claimed the annulment of these terms and conditions because she claimed she had not been provided with the opportunity to take notice of the terms and conditions. The plaintiff had sent these terms and conditions via 'deeplink'. The deeplink itself comprised of a link to the plaintiff's general website. Because the defendant could not take notice of the relevant terms and conditions by clicking on the website, this 'deeplink' was not sufficient to let the defendant take notice of the terms and conditions.
  • Juridische kwestie
    Does the supplying of general terms and conditions via a 'deeplink' qualify as a 'reasonable possibility to take notice of the general terms and conditions'?
  • Uitspraak

    According to the general rule of Article 6:233 DCC, a clause in the general terms and conditions can be annulled if (a) the clause is unreasonably onerous for the counterparty or (b) the user did not provide counterparty with a reasonable possibility to take notice of the general terms and conditions. In this case, the plaintiff claims that her general terms and conditions are exclusively applicable. In principle, this was the case, because the plaintiff excluded any other general terms and conditions in a clause. However, because of the fact that the plaintiff provided her general terms and conditions to the defendant via 'deeplink', i.e. a link to her general website and not a direct link to the relevant terms and conditions, the court decides that this way of providing the terms and conditions is not compliant with 6:233 (b) DCC and therefore can be annulled by the defendant.


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  • Verwante zaken

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  • Resultaat
    The court condemns the plaintiff in this procedural issue and decides that it is competent to take notice of this case. The court condemns the plaintiff to pay the costs made by the defendant.