
  • Rechtssachenbeschreibung
    • Nationale Kennung: Supreme Court, Judgement 4 Ob 209/14k
    • Mitgliedstaat: Österreich
    • Gebräuchliche Bezeichnung:N/A
    • Art des Beschlusses: Beschluss des Obersten Gerichts
    • Beschlussdatum: 16/12/2014
    • Gericht: Oberster Gerichtshof
    • Betreff:
    • Kläger:
    • Beklagter:
    • Schlagworte: comparative advertising, unfair commercial practices, unfair competition
  • Artikel der Richtlinie
    Misleading and Comparative Advertising Directive, Article 2, (c) Misleading and Comparative Advertising Directive, Article 4, (c) Misleading and Comparative Advertising Directive, Article 4, (d) Unfair Commercial Practices Directive, Chapter 2, Article 5
  • Leitsatz


    According to article 4(c) of Directive 2006/114/EC, comparative advertising is only permissible if it relates to essential, relevant, verifiable and typical characteristics of the goods or services concerned and is not based exclusively on subjective value judgments. This requirement of objectivity excludes comparative advertising with non-verifiable characteristics.

  • Sachverhalt

    The defendant daily newspaper "Heute" (market share of 13.8 % according to Media Analyse) advertised in the trade magazine "Extradienst", which is aimed at advertising agencies, advertising departments, marketing managers and media planners.

    This ad shows an empty newspaper stand of the "Heute" paper in the middle as well as a half-full newspaper stand of the newspaper "Österreich" (market share of 10 % according to Media Analyse) to the right and left of it. Below this was the slogan "Good journalism is neither right nor left".

    The plaintiff applied for an order prohibiting the defendant from causing a reduction in its sales by means of that advertisement or in a similar manner.

  • Rechtsfrage

    Is the non-objective dispraise of a competitor considered to be unfair competition? Under which conditions is comparative advertising permitted?

  • Entscheidung

    The court decided that the pejorative advertising is indeed an unfair competition because it is an evaluation which cannot be determined objectively.

    Comparative advertising is permitted if it is based on essential, relevant, verifiable and typical characteristics of the concerned goods or services and not only based on subjective evaluations. The objectivity requirement prohibits comparative advertising based on characteristics that are not verifiable.


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  • Ergebnis

    According to article 4(c) of Directive 2006/114/EC, comparative advertising is only permissible if it relates to essential, relevant, verifiable and typical characteristics of the goods or services concerned and is not based exclusively on subjective value judgments. This requirement of objectivity excludes comparative advertising with non-verifiable characteristics.

    Even the lack of objectivity and verifiability is sufficient for the assumption of unfairness without the need to show a significant devaluation of the competitor.

    Lead position advertising based on value judgments is inadmissible if it relates to one or more named or identifiable competitors.

    While moderate irony may be permissible with regard to the devaluation proscription, it does not constitute a justification for an associated violation of the requirement of objectivity.