
  • Detalles del asunto
    • ID nacional: Juzgado de lo Merccantil de Valladolid Sentencia num. 369/2015 de 3 diciembre
    • Estado miembro: España
    • Denominación común:N/A
    • Tipo de resolución: Resolución judicial, primer grado
    • Fecha de la resolución: 03/12/2015
    • Órgano jurisdiccional: Juzgado de lo Mercantil de Valladolid
    • Asunto:
    • Demandante: Unknown
    • Demandado: CAIXABANK, S.A.
    • Palabras clave: consumer, unfair terms
  • Artículos de la Directiva
    Unfair Contract Terms Directive, Article 3, 1.
  • Nota preliminar
    1. Terms contained in contracts where traders have no obligations left to fulfill are also subject to the unfairness assessment.
    2. Minimum interest terms are not unfair by nature.
    3. Traders decide on the content of the contract, but they must also inform the consumer on said content in a clear, comprehensible way.
  • Hechos
    The plaintiff had concluded a variable interest loan contract with the defendant. This contract included a term by which the plaintiff would never pay less than 3% of interests nor more than 8%. The plaintiff claimed that this clause was unfair.
  • Cuestión jurídica
    1. What features and circumstances have to be assessed by the judge when reviewing the lawfulness of a potential unfair clause?
    2. Are terms, in contracts where the trader has no obligation left to fulfill, subject to an unfairness assessment?
    3. Are minimum interest terms in consumer contracts unfair in nature, or where they do not provide economic balance or do not coexist with maximum interest terms?
  • Decisión

    The judge stated in his ruling that, when assessing the unfairness of non-individually negotiated clauses, the following circumstances must be assessed: whether (i) the clause refers to the main object of the contract, (ii) the clause is drafted in a clear and comprehensible way, (iii) there are scenarios provided as examples of the working of the clause, (iv) the clauses are inserted among a huge amount of information, thus “hiding” the clause and making it less visible and accessible to the consumer.
    In addition, even terms included in contracts where traders have no obligation to fulfill are subject to the unfairness control by the courts.
    Minimum interest terms are not unfair by their nature, not even when they do not provide for an economic balance or they do not coexist with maximum interest terms. Their unfairness is given by the lack of clear information provided to the consumer on the functioning and (economic and legal) consequences of these clauses. They cannot be displayed in the contract in a way that the consumer is not aware of their existence.

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  • Resultado
    The clause was erased from the contract as if it had never existed.