
  • Bijzonderheden van de zaak
    • Nationaal ID: ECLI:NL:RBROT:2014:1815
    • Lidstaat: Nederland
    • Gangbare benaming:N/A
    • Soort beslissing: Administratieve beslissing in beroep
    • Datum beslissing: 20/03/2014
    • Gerecht: College van Beroep voor het Bedrijfsleven
    • Onderwerp:
    • Eiser: Unknown
    • Verweerder: Autoriteit Consument en Markt (ACM)
    • Trefwoorden: administrative authority, consumer, discounts, payment
  • Richtlijnartikelen
    Timeshare Directive, Article 2, 1., (b) Timeshare Directive, Recitals, (7)
  • Koptekst
    The offering of a special holiday product does not qualify as an ordinary loyalty scheme in case the costs incurred by a consumer primarily have the purpose of obtaining discounts or other benefits in respect of accommodation.
  • Feiten
    A company has offered consumers a 'Passport' via telemarketing. This Passport is a subscription for the duration of 12 or 24 months that is converted into a permanent contract automatically if the temporary contract is not terminated by the consumer in time. The Passport allows consumers to book free or discounted overnight stays in one of the 1200 passport affiliated hotels during the contract period. The ACM considered the Passport to be a long-term holiday product contract as stated in Article 2 subsection 1 under b of Directive 2008/122/EC (implemented into Dutch law in Article 7:50a subsection 1 under d Civil Code). Plaintiff is of the opinion that (i) the contract is a mere ordinary loyalty scheme as stated in Article 7 of the preamble of Directive 2008/122/EC and (ii) the company is therefore not bound to the Dutch rules and regulations regarding timeshare contracts.
  • Juridische kwestie
    Under which circumstances can the offering of a special holiday product be seen as an ordinary loyalty scheme?
  • Uitspraak

    The court rules that the exception to Article 2 subsection 1 under b of Directive 2008/122/EC (implemented into Dutch law in Article 7:50a subsection 1 under d Civil Code) provided in article 7 of the preamble of Directive 2008/122/EC, does not apply in this specific case. The court rules that it is not likely that the costs that are being charged by plaintiff for the use of the Passport are mere administrative costs. It is more likely that the costs primarily have the purpose of obtaining discounts or other benefits in respect of accommodation. Plaintiff has the burden of proof in this regard and has not succeeded in proving this administrative cost argument. Furthermore, the exception does not apply because it does not regard future stays in hotels of a hotel chain.


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  • Resultaat
    The court dismisses the appeal on the abovementioned grounds.