Consumer Sales and Guarantees Directive (1999/44) - Czechia

National Law

11-20 of 22 documents  for "National Laws"

results per page, sorted by 
  • Government Regulation No. 363/2013 Coll., on Forms for Contracts Concerning Temporary Use of Accommodation and Other Recreational Services
    • Adoption date for national laws: 20/11/2013
    • In force date: 01/01/2014
Government Regulation No. 363/2013 Coll., on Forms for Contracts Concerning Temporary Use of Accommodation and Other Recreational Services 20/11/2013 01/01/2014
  • Act No. 458/2000 Coll., the Energy Act, as amended by the Act No. 131/2015 Coll.
    • Adoption date for national laws: 13/05/2015
    • In force date: 05/06/2015
Act No. 458/2000 Coll., the Energy Act, as amended by the Act No. 131/2015 Coll. 13/05/2015 05/06/2015
  • Act No. 634/1992 Coll., on Consumer Protection, as amended by Act No. 378/2015 Coll.
    • Adoption date for national laws: 09/12/2015
    • In force date: 28/12/2015
Act No. 634/1992 Coll., on Consumer Protection, as amended by Act No. 378/2015 Coll. 09/12/2015 28/12/2015
  • Act No. 22/1997 Coll., on technical requirements for products
    • Adoption date for national laws: 03/03/2016
    • In force date: 15/04/2016
Act No. 22/1997 Coll., on technical requirements for products 03/03/2016 15/04/2016
  • Act No. 455/1991 Coll., the Trade Licensing Act, as amended by the Act No. 304/2016 Coll.
    • Adoption date for national laws: 24/08/2016
    • In force date: 23/09/2016
Act No. 455/1991 Coll., the Trade Licensing Act, as amended by the Act No. 304/2016 Coll. 24/08/2016 23/09/2016
  • Civil Code
    • Adoption date for national laws: 01/01/9999
    • In force date: 01/01/9999
Civil Code 01/01/9999 01/01/9999
  • Act 378/2007 on pharmaceuticals
    • Adoption date for national laws: 01/01/9999
    • In force date: 01/01/9999
Act 378/2007 on pharmaceuticals 01/01/9999 01/01/9999
  • Act No. 159/1999 concerning conditions of entrerprenneurs in the area of tourism and travel agencies
    • Adoption date for national laws: 01/01/9999
    • In force date: 01/01/9999
Act No. 159/1999 concerning conditions of entrerprenneurs in the area of tourism and travel agencies 01/01/9999 01/01/9999
  • Arbitration Proceedings
    • Adoption date for national laws: 01/01/9999
    • In force date: 01/01/9999
Arbitration Proceedings 01/01/9999 01/01/9999
  • Act on general security of products No. 102/2001
    • Adoption date for national laws: 01/01/9999
    • In force date: 01/07/2001
Act on general security of products No. 102/2001 01/01/9999 01/07/2001

11-20 of 22 documents  for "National Laws"

Enforcement System

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Legal Literature

6 documents found, displaying all  for "Legal Literature"

results per page, sorted by 
Selucká, M.: Ochrana spotřebitele v navrhovaném občanském zákoníku. Právní rozhledy, vol. 10, year 2009, page 364 et seq. Consumer protection in the light of the proposal of the new civil code SELUCKÁ, M. 01/01/1970
Tichý, L.: Sborník Karlovarské právnické dny, vol. 22, year 2014, page 84 et seq. Purchase agreement and consumer purchase agreement, including the liability for defects TICHÝ, L. 01/01/1970
Vítová, B.: Nepřiměřená ujednání ve spotřebitelských smlouvách po rekodifikaci soukromého práva, Wolters Kluwer, 2014, 264 pages, ISBN: 978-80-7478-492-7 Unlawful provisions of the consumer agreement in the light of the new Czech civil law VÍTOVÁ, B. 01/01/1970
Zemanová, K., Šafra, J.: Novinky ve spotřebitelském právu a odstoupení spotřebitele od smlouvy. Účetnictví neziskového sektoru, vol. 11, year 2014. New regulation of the consumer law and consumer's withdrawal from an agreement ZEMANOVÁ, K., SAFRA, J. 01/01/1970
Liškutín, T.: Otazníky nad zákonnou zárukou při prodeji zboží v obchodě od ledna 2014. Právní rozhledy, vol. 5, year 2014, page 160 et seq. Questions about provisions governing the statutory warranty on the goods purchased in a store from 2014 LISKUTÍN, T. 01/01/1970
  • Matějka, M.: online magazine, 04/2015
Matějka, M.: online magazine, 04/2015 "The end" of the two-year warranty on goods purchased by a consumer pursuant to the Czech Civil Code - a year (and a bit) after MATEJKA, M. 01/01/1970

6 documents found, displaying all  for "Legal Literature"

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