Information on the Regulation No 650/2012 on Succession and the national rules on inheritance
Divorce and legal separation
When a married couple decide to separate permanently, one of the spouses, or both together, will generally institute divorce proceedings.
Property in marriage & civil partnerships
Couples who have an international dimension to their relationship needing legal information regarding their property in cases of divorce/separation or the death of one of its members
Parental responsibility - child custody and contact rights
Parental responsibility means all rights and obligations towards a child and its assets. This concept of parental responsibility varies between the Member States, however it usually covers custody and access rights. If you are an international couple with one or more children and are now separating, you will need to agree on the custody arrangements for them.
Moving/settling abroad with children
Avoid becoming an "abducting" parent by knowing how to move across borders with your children in a lawful way
Parental child abduction
Are you an international couple with children and are now separating? You may wish to return to your home country and take your child with you. However, if you do so without the consent of the other parent or the court, you may be breaking the law.
Family maintenance
If you wish to claim maintenance, for example by asking for a monthly payment for child support from a parent not living with the child, EU law allows you to use the courts of your home State in order to determine the obligation of the debtor to pay maintenance and set the amount of alimony. Such a judgment will be easily recognised in the other Member States of the European Union.
Cross-border placement of a child including foster family
A child may need a new family either because he/she is an orphan or because their parents appear unfit to care for them.
Children from Ukraine – civil judicial cooperation
Children deprived of their family environment due to Russia’s military aggression against Ukraine - applicable European and international instruments in cross-border civil cases.