National specialised courts


This page provides you with information on Lithuania's specialised courts.

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Specialised courts

The Constitutional Court of the Republic of Lithuania (Lietuvos Respublikos Konstitucinis Teismas) ensures the supremacy of the Constitution within the legal system. It decides on issues of constitutional justice by considering whether the laws and other legal acts adopted by the Parliament are in conformity with the Constitution, and whether the acts adopted by the President or the Government of the Republic comply with the Constitution and legislation.

Administrative courts

There are six administrative courts in Lithuania:

  • the Supreme Administrative Court of Lithuania (Lietuvos Vyriausiasis administracinis teismas),
  • five regional administrative courts.

The Supreme Administrative Court

The Supreme Administrative Court (Vyriausiasis administracinis teismas) is the court of first and final instance for administrative cases assigned to its jurisdiction by law. It hears appeals against decisions, rulings and orders of the regional administrative courts and against the decisions of the district courts in cases involving administrative offences.

The Supreme Administrative Court also hears petitions to reopen completed administrative cases, including cases involving administrative offences in areas specified by law. The Supreme Administrative Court has developed a uniform practice for the interpretation and application of laws and other legal acts.

Regional administrative courts (apygardų administraciniai teismai)

Regional administrative courts are courts of special jurisdiction. Their function is to hear complaints (petitions) concerning administrative actions and acts of commission or omission (failure to perform duties) by entities of public and internal administration.

Regional administrative courts hear disputes in the area of public administration and deal with issues relating to the lawfulness of regulatory administrative acts, tax disputes and so on.

Before applying to an administrative court, individual legal acts adopted or actions taken by entities of public administration may be disputed at the pre-trial stage. In such cases, disputes are investigated by municipal public administrative disputes commissions, district administrative disputes commissions and the Chief Administrative Disputes Commission (Vyriausioji administracinių ginčų komisija).

Last update: 07/04/2023

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