Taking evidence (recast)


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The search tool below will help you to identify court(s)/authority(ies) competent for a specific European legal instrument. Please note that although every effort has been made to ascertain the accuracy of the results, there may be some exceptional cases concerning the determination of competence that are not necessarily covered.


Taking evidence

*mandatory input

Article 2(1) – Authorities that can be considered as courts

Notaries are the other authorities for the purposes of Article 2(1) (in inheritance proceedings and in proceedings seeking to reconstitute a lost or destroyed legal instrument, such as a title deed (konanie o umorení listiny)).

Article 3(2) – Requested courts

The district courts (okresné súdy) or city courts (mestské súdy) in whose district the requested evidence is to be taken, with the following courts to be requested as specified below:

-          for family law and civil status cases the competent court for all districts of Bratislava is the Bratislava II City Court (Mestský súd Bratislava II);

-         for commercial cases the competent court for all districts of Bratislava and for the districts of Malacky and Pezinok is the Bratislava III City Court (Mestský súd Bratislava III);

-          for other cases the competent court for all districts of Bratislava is the Bratislava IV City Court (Mestský súd Bratislava IV).

Article 4 – Central body

Ministry of Justice of the Slovak Republic (Ministerstvo spravodlivosti Slovenskej republiky)

International Private Law Division

Račianska ul. 71

813 11 Bratislava

Slovak Republic

Telephone: (421) 2 888 91 111

Fax: (421) 2 888 91 604

E-mail: civil.inter.coop@justice.sk

web: https://www.justice.gov.sk

Language knowledge: Slovak, Czech and English

Article 6 – Languages accepted for completion of the forms

Slovak and Czech.

Article 7 – Means accepted for transmission of requests and other communications

The Slovak authorities accept requests in writing, in paper form.

Article 19 – Central body or competent authority(ies) responsible for decisions on requests for direct taking of evidence

Ministry of Justice of the Slovak Republic

International Private Law Division

Račianska ul. 71

813 11 Bratislava

Slovak Republic

Tel.: (421) 2 888 91 111

Fax: (421) 2 888 91 604

E-mail: civil.inter.coop@justice.sk

Web: https://www.justice.gov.sk/

Article 29 – Agreements or arrangements to which Member States are parties and which comply with the conditions in Article 29(2)

Not applicable

Article 31(4) – Notification on the early use of the decentralised IT-system

Not applicable

Last update: 26/07/2024

The national language version of this page is maintained by the respective Member State. The translations have been done by the European Commission service. Possible changes introduced in the original by the competent national authority may not be yet reflected in the translations. The European Commission accepts no responsibility or liability whatsoever with regard to any information or data contained or referred to in this document. Please refer to the legal notice to see copyright rules for the Member State responsible for this page.