How to find a mediator in Hungary
You can find the register of mediators (közvetítők adatbázisa) on the website of the Ministry of Public Administration and Justice (Közigazgatási és Igazságügyi Minisztérium).
The following general information is available to users:
- General information on mediation activity
- Information on mediators
- Information on legal persons employing mediators
- Mediators' addresses, qualifications, language skills, expertise and the county in which they are active.
The site also provides registration forms for mediators and legal persons who employ mediators.
Is access to the mediators' database free of charge?
Yes, access is free and no restrictions apply.
How to search for a mediator in Hungary
The site contains a list of mediators and a list of legal persons employing mediators. You can search for mediators by name, language skill and county of operation. You can search for legal persons by name, county and abbreviated name.
Related Links
Website of the Register of Hungarian Mediators (A magyar közvetítők adatbázisának honlapja)
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