Civiltiesību jomā nepabeigtās procedūras un tiesvedība, kas sāktas pirms pārejas perioda beigām, turpināsies saskaņā ar ES tiesību aktiem. Pamatojoties uz savstarpēju vienošanos ar Apvienoto Karalisti, e-tiesiskuma portāls saglabās visu informāciju attiecībā uz Apvienoto Karalisti līdz 2024. gada beigām.

European payment order


Saturu nodrošina

Court procedure in Northern Ireland is governed by the Rules of the Court of Judicature (Northern Ireland) 1980 and the County Court Rules (Northern Ireland) 1981. The rules are made under the Judicature (Northern Ireland) Act 1978 by statutory rule.


Ar zemāk pieejamā rīka palīdzību varat atrast tiesas(u) vai iestādi(es), kuras(u) kompetencē ir kāds konkrēts Eiropas Savienības tiesību akts. Ņemiet vērā, ka, lai arī esam centušies darīt visu iespējamo, lai nodrošinātu rezultātu precizitāti, dažos izņēmuma gadījumos kompetence var būt norādīta neprecīzi.

Apvienotā Karaliste


Eiropas pārrobežu procedūras - Eiropas maksājuma rīkojums

*jāaizpilda obligāti

Article 29(1)(a) - Courts with jurisdiction

The court that has jurisdiction to issue a European order for payment in Northern Ireland is the High Court of Justice.

The jurisdiction of the county courts is entirely statutory and is prescribed in the County Courts (Northern Ireland) Order 1980. Therefore, pending any amendment to the Order, the position is that proceedings under the Regulation do not come under the statutory jurisdiction of the county courts but fall, instead, to the High Court under its inherent jurisdiction regardless of the monetary value of the proceedings.


Article 29(1)(b) - Review procedure

An application for a review under Article 20 in Northern Ireland can be made in the High Court in accordance with Part IV of Order 71 of the Rules of the Court of Judicature (Northern Ireland) 1980.

Article 29(1)(c) - Means of communication

The means of communication acceptable by the Court in Northern Ireland for the purposes of commencing the European order for payment is post. Consideration may be given in the future as to whether electronic submission of the application will be possible. However, other documents that are sent to the Court in European order for payment proceedings, including statements of opposition, can be sent to the Court by post, fax or other electronic means where facilities are available in accordance with Rule 39 of Order 71 of the Rules of the Court of Judicature (Northern Ireland) 1980. The application and other documents in these proceedings can also be lodged with the Court in person.

Article 29(1)(d) - Accepted languages

The official language acceptable pursuant to Article 21(2)(b) is English.

Last update: 06/08/2018

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