På det civilretlige område vil verserende sager og sager, der er indledt inden overgangsperiodens udløb, fortsætte i henhold til EU-retten. E-Justice-portalen vil – i overensstemmelse med en aftale med Det Forenede Kongerige – fortsat indeholde relevante informationer vedrørende Det Forenede Kongerige indtil udgangen af 2024.

Brussels IIa Regulation - Matrimonial matters and matters of parental responsibility


Indholdet er leveret af


Søgeværktøjet nedenfor vil hjælpe dig med at finde den eller de domstole/myndigheder, der er kompetente for et specifikt europæiske retligt instrument. Vi har gjort alt for at sikre, at resultaterne er så nøjagtige som muligt, men der kan være exceptionelle sager om fastlæggelse af kompetence, som ikke nødvendigvis er dækket.

Det Forenede Kongerige


Familieret - Bruxelles IIa-forordningen – ægteskabssager og sager vedrørende forældreansvar

*skal udfyldes

Article 67 (a)

The names, addresses and means of communication for the central authorities designated pursuant to Article 53:

Operational Policy Branch

Northern Ireland Courts and Tribunals Service

Department of Justice

4th Floor Laganside House

23-27 Oxford Street



Northern Ireland


email: InternationalChildAbduction@courtsni.gov.uk

Article 67 (b)

The languages accepted for communications to central authorities pursuant to Article 57(2): English, French.

Article 67 (c)

The languages accepted for the certificate concerning rights of access and return of the child pursuant to Article 45(2): English, French.

Articles 21 and 29

The applications provided for by Articles 21 and 29 shall be submitted to the following courts:

- in Northern Ireland, the High Court of Justice.

Article 33

The appeal provided for by Article 33 shall be lodged with the following courts:

- in Northern Ireland, the High Court of Justice.

Article 34

The appeals provided for in Article 34 may be brought only:

- in Northern Ireland, to the Northern Ireland Court of Appeal.


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Last update: 11/12/2020

The national language version of this page is maintained by the respective Member State. The translations have been done by the European Commission service. Possible changes introduced in the original by the competent national authority may not be yet reflected in the translations. The European Commission accepts no responsibility or liability whatsoever with regard to any information or data contained or referred to in this document. Please refer to the legal notice to see copyright rules for the Member State responsible for this page.