
  • Uppgifter om doktrin
    • Medlemsstat: Sverige
    • Titel: The Grounds of the Law of Sales.
    • Underrubrik:
    • Typ: book
    • URL:
    • Författare: GERHARD, P
    • Referens: Gerhard, Peter. - Köprättens grunder / Peter Gerhard. - 2015 - 13., [uppdated] edition.. - ISBN: 978914711366-8
    • Utgivningsår: 2018
    • Nyckelord: consumer, distance contracting, off-premises contract, sales contract
  • Direktivartiklar
    Consumer Sales and Guarantees Directive, link Consumer Rights Directive, link
  • Huvudanmärkning

    Köprättens grunder.

    The Grounds of the Law of Sales is a basic textbook used at e.g. universities and various professional courses. It is also well suited for each one on their own trying to comprehend the law of sales contracts.

    The book also addresses the changes in the law on distance contracts and contracts concluded off premises, which regulates agreements concluded online, and also contain provisions on the right to terminate purchases concluded in public places like streets or beaches. It also deals with the law of international sales in a chapter.

    The book studies the various legal rules applying to sales contracts in general, as well as consumer contracts for services. One part focuses on the Distance and Off-Premises Contracts Act which regulates among other things purchases over the internet.

  • Allmän anmärkning

    It directly relates to Distance and Off-Premises Contracts Act (2005:59).

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