Pravna literatura

  • Pojedinosti o pravnoj literaturi
    • Država članica: Hrvatska
    • Zvanje: The Influence of the Collective Protection Procedure on the Statute of Limitation in Croatian Law - Questioning the Limits of Judicial Activism.
    • Podnaslov:
    • Vrsta: Article
    • URL:
    • Autor: BARETIĆ, M.
    • Upućivanje: Odabrane teme obligacionog prava. Karanikić Mirić, Marija ; Đurđević, Marko. Pravni fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu/Faculty of Law, Belgrade. Pp. 11-71.
    • Godina objave: 2020
    • Ključne riječi: B2C, case law, Consumer credit, collective action
  • Članci Direktive
    Injunctions Directive, link
  • Uvodna napomena

    Since one of the consumer protection associations in Croatia initiated the first collective consumer protection procedure in Croatia in 2013, which referred to the unfairness of some provisions of a loan agreement related to the Swiss franc, the judgement made an impact on the statute of limitations. The uncertainty created by this issue, both among lawyers-practitioners and in the academic community, but primarily among consumers and banks, as participants in the contractual relations that were decided in the so-called i case of "Franak", was finally terminated on March 20, 2018, when the Supreme Court of the Republic of Croatia in Judgement Rev-2245 / 17-2 took the principle that initiating collective consumer protection proceedings terminates the statute of limitations for consumer restitution claims.

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