Pravna literatura

  • Podatki o pravni literaturi
    • Država članica: Slovenija
    • Naslov: Is the case law of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Slovenia in relation to loans in Swiss francs really uniform/harmonised, and if not, is it in compliance with the case law of the Court of Justice of the European Union?
    • Podnaslov:
    • Vrsta: Article
    • URL:
    • Avtor: PREININGER, R.
    • Sklic: Ali je sodna praksa Vrhovnega sodišča RS v zvezi s krediti v švicarskih frankih res enotna, in če ni, ali je skladna s sodno prakso Sodišča Evropske unije? Podjetje in delo. No. 3-4. Pp. 637-642.
    • Leto objave: 2020
    • Ključne besede: contract law, consumer rights, unfair terms, court, consumer credit
  • Členi direktive
    Unfair Contract Terms Directive, link
  • Uvodna opomba
    The author analyses the case law of the Supreme Court in order to establish whether the case law is uniform, and if not, whether it is in accordance with the law of the European Union. It is also emphasised that the Supreme Court must ensure full effect of Directive 93/13/EEC. The analysis shows that the Slovenian case law regarding the obligation to inform of banks is not uniform/harmonised. Furthermore, the author states that the Supreme Court has (in some cases) directly interfered with the competence of the European Union. In addition, and what is particularly worrying for legal certainty, the Supreme Court did not provide a substantive explanation regarding the extent to which consumers must be informed.
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