Pravna literatura

  • Podatki o pravni literaturi
    • Država članica: Slovenija
    • Naslov: Pavšalni zneski v luči ZVPNPP
    • Podnaslov:
    • Vrsta:
    • URL:
    • Avtor: L. REJC
    • Sklic: Pravna praksa, 2011, No. 37, page 15
    • Leto objave: 2011
    • Ključne besede: advertisement, black list, free, misleading advertising, price, price information, telephone
  • Členi direktive
    Unfair Commercial Practices Directive, Chapter 2, Section 1, Article 6, 1., (d) Unfair Commercial Practices Directive, Chapter 2, Section 1, Article 6, 1., (e) Unfair Commercial Practices Directive, Annex I, 20.
  • Uvodna opomba
    The article discusses a decision by the Slovenian Market Inspectorate in which it was decided that certain actions by a local mobile phone network operator are an unfair commercial practice. The trader concerned introduced a new obligatory lump sum service charge for managing the mobile phone number and providing certain other already available services (either free or paid), payable yearly. However, the trader had advertised some of those services as "free". The author analyses this decision from the perspective of the Slovenian legislation implementing the UCP Directive.
  • Splošna opomba
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