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  • Direktivets artikler
    Package Travel Directive, Article 14, 1. , Package Travel Directive, Article 14, 2.
  • Indledende note

    The traveller missed a connecting flight. There was 1 hour and 40 minutes between the arrival and departure but due to a number of reasons, he didn’t make it. 10-12 minutes went with setting up the stairs to get off the plane. Due to his seating, he was on the last bus from the plane to the airport. The departing plane was at the other end of the airport and there was a long queue for security. At security, the traveller pointed out that he had to catch a plane which was leaving soon, but the security personnel replied by saying that he would make it without any further help to get through security quickly. The board stated that there was a lack of conformity even though the agency was not to blame. The agency was to pay the traveller compensation covering the cost of the new ticket purchased by the traveller on account of missing the flight.

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