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    Kilpailun ja kuluttajansuojan kysymyksiä datataloudessa

    Kuluttaja- ja kilpailuvirasto

    A report by the Finnish Competition and Consumer Authority (FCCA) addresses questions related to competition and consumer protection in the data economy and, in particular, calls attention to the availability and portability of consumers’ personal data. The FCCA’s report emphasises the fact that, alongside data protection, competition and consumer protection play an important role in data economy. The publication assesses general consumer protection issues in the data economy, such as the regulation of digital services. The report highlights the importance of data portability and transparency requirements. Information about services offered to consumers should be transparent and easy to understand. Data must be easily portable as consumers should have the choice to move from one service to another and to port their data from one platform to another effortlessly. In this regard, the publication refers to the Directive 2011/83/EU.

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