Title (OV):, “Guidelines: Prijsaanduiding in de horeca”, 13 April 2021.
Emanating from:(OV) FOD (Federale Overheidsdienst) Economie – Economische Inspectie.
According to Articles VI.3 to VI.6 of the Belgian Code of Economic Law (CEL), the selling price and the unit price must be unambiguous, easily identifiable and clearly legible. To avoid sanctions, the public market authority (the Economic Inspection) provides businesses with guidance. As a result, prices in the catering industry have to include VAT, taxes and other costs (e.g., service and tips) and must be visible at the entrance of bars and restaurants. Hotels have to comply with the same rules but are allowed to indicate prices after entering (e.g., in the lobby). Prices must also be indicated within the sales area, for instance on a menu. Businesses that sell or offer catering services online must comply with additional rules (see Article VI.45 CEL). Consumers who book a hotel room must be informed correctly about the costs of all services offered and the applicable prices on-site. Also, the total prices must be indicated in a clear manner during the online booking process.