
1-25 van 8858 resultaten voor "best practices Charter "

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Member States’ best practices on the Charter. The Austrian Ombudsman Board has conducted a constant, institutionalised dialogue with civil society and human rights experts from various fields. Through its contact to NGOs, it plays a significant part when it comes to raising awareness for Charter rights. In addition to the Austrian Ombudsman Board, several other independent authorities contribute ...

Member States’ best practices on the Charter. Use and awareness of the Charter in your country Government policies that promote the use and awareness of the Charter among the legislator, the administration, law enforcement bodies and the judiciary The National Anti-Discrimination Plan for 2017–2022 (the National Plan) refers to the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union in its introductory ...

Member States’ best practices on the Charter. Government policies that promote the use and awareness of the Charter among the legislator, the administration, law enforcement bodies and the judiciary.. of the Charter (including health care, family and professional life, and fair and just working conditions) are the subject of various events in the fields of management training, staff council training ...

Member States’ best practices on the Charter. Use and awareness of the Charter in your country Government policies that promote the use and awareness of the Charter among the legislator, the administration, law enforcement bodies and the judiciary The Constitutional Court has established reliance on the Charter as an emergent practice in its case-law. Ordinary courts also tend to refer to the Charter ...

Member States’ best practices on the Charter. Use and awareness of the Charter in your country. Use and awareness of the Charter in your country Government policies that promote the use and awareness of the Charter among the legislator, the administration, law enforcement bodies and the judiciary In the Government’s National Human Rights Strategy (‘human rights strategy’, Government Communication ...

Member States’ best practices on the Charter. This section describes initiatives taken by Member States to promote in their country the use and awareness of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EU.. The aim of this section is to provide the following information: examples of government initiatives for each Member State actively promoting the use and awareness of the Charter among the legislator, ...

age. If you are a victim who is under the age of 18 you, and usually your parent or guardian, are entitled to receive services under the Victim Charter. [1] [1] Unless your parent or guardian is under investigation or has been charged by the police in connection with the crime or if the reasonable opinion of the service provider involved it is not in your best interests for your parent or guardian ...

IT_30_England and Wales_EU_en en PDF [146 KB]

1 Type of practice: Best Practice Country: England and Wales April, 2014 Best Practices in training of judges and prosecutors Category of practice: Innovative Training Methodology Title of practice Learning in Large Teams – The Snowball Methodology Key ...

N/A. C-169/14. Court of Justice of the European Union. Juan Carlos Sánchez Morcillo and María del Carmen Abril García. Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria SA. Article 7(1) of Council Directive 93/13 on unfair terms in consumer contracts, read in conjunction with Article 47 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union must be interpreted as precluding a system of enforcement, such as that ...

309-indraccolo_IT_IT IT PDF [173 KB]

on Human Rights, Art 47 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, and Arts 24 and 111 of the Constitution. In order to resolve the normative antinomies that have been taken into account, however, it is indispensable to also keep in mind the principle of ‘effective protection of the weak contractor’ and the principle of substantial equality: the first considers the best protection ...

as their right, both commercially and under contract law. Accordingly it is important that, when faced with a construction issue, a court should focus its mind on the language adopted by the parties being that which they have chosen to best reflect their intentions. It is not for the court, either by means of giving business or commercial efficacy or otherwise, to import into such arrangement a meaning, ...

zur Verbesserung des Bekanntheitsgrades und der Sichtbarkeit der Charta der Grundrechte der EU sowie zur Aufklärung über die Charta durchzuführen. Instrumente, die zum besseren Verständnis der Charta und ihres Anwendungsbereichs beitragen für Rechtsanwender (in den Bereichen Gesetzgebung, Verwaltung, Strafverfolgung, Justiz sowie Angehörige der Rechtsberufe) für Bürgerinnen und Bürger ...

Beispiele für die Zusammenarbeit zwischen Grundrechtsverteidigern und nationalen Behörden, die zu einem höheren Bekanntheitsgrad und zu einer besseren Anwendung der Charta beitragen – Beispiele für die Zusammenarbeit zwischen nationalen Behörden und Hochschulen, die zu einem höheren Bekanntheitsgrad und zu einer besseren Anwendung der Charta beitragen Wie oben erwähnt, wurde die Universität ...

durch die EU diesbezüglich wichtig. Instrumente, die zum besseren Verständnis der Charta und ihres Anwendungsbereichs beitragen Charterpedia und ganz allgemein Materialien der FRA zur Charta sind nützliche Instrumente. Das Innenministerium verwendet beispielsweise nach eigenen Angaben Materialien der FRA. Anwendung und Förderung der Charta-Instrumente, die von anderen EU-Ländern oder anderen ...

fb6/mrb/zertifikat/Moduluebersicht Instrumente, die zum besseren Verständnis der Charta und ihres Anwendungsbereichs beitragen für Rechtsanwender (in den Bereichen Gesetzgebung, Verwaltung, Strafverfolgung, Justiz sowie Angehörige der Rechtsberufe) für Bürgerinnen und Bürger Im Jahr 2019 hat die Antidiskriminierungsstelle des Bundes eine Rechtsexpertise zur Präzisierung und Erweiterung ...

Weise besser zur Vorbeugung und Bekämpfung von sexueller Ausbeutung und sexuellem Missbrauch von Kindern zu befähigen. Der Ausschuss kann Ihnen in diesen Fragen Auskunft geben, er kann aber nicht auf individuelle Beschwerden reagieren. Ausschuss für soziale Rechte (Europäische Sozialcharta) Anschrift: Department of the European Social Charter, Directorate General of Human Rights ...

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kellha tigi restawrata “the best”.

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Rights-of-Minors-MT_MT_en en PDF [365 KB]

adoption agencies which assist in finding children which are free for InterCountry Adoption and assists in the matching process. The Central Authority closely monitors the way in which the adoption accredited agencies work so as to ensure that the way in which they deal and operate in third countries is not contrary to the Convention, including the best-practices guides established by the Hague Secretariat. ...

involving cross-border cooperation). The videos of the debate can be found on the workshop's website. 'Promising', 'good' or 'best' practice The training practices presented in this section are identified as 'promising', 'good', 'best' or 'unclassified' according to the criteria defined by the EJTN when conducting the study. A best practice is a training programme or strategy having the highest ...

IT_25_Romania_EU_en en PDF [148 KB]

is linked to the practices presented under “Comprehensive package to deliver large scale training on new legislative practice”. It is a BEST PRACTICE, easily transferable and can be put into practice if resources are available. Source: Pilot Project - European Judicial Training: "Lot 1 – Study on best practices in training judges and prosecutors ", carried out by the European Judicial Training ...

IT_35_Estonia_EU_en en PDF [141 KB]

1 Type of practice: Best Practice Country: Estonia April, 2014 Best Practices in training of judges and prosecutors Category of practice: Innovative Training Methodology Title of practice Self-reflection in Communication Skills Key features: This training methodology is ...

IT_33_England and Wales_EU_en en PDF [155 KB]

1 Type of practice: Best Practice Country: England and Wales April, 2014 Best Practices in training of judges and prosecutors Category of practice: Innovative Training Methodology Title of practice Small Teams – The Business of Judging Key features: ...

ITT_37_Netherlands_EU_en en PDF [166 KB]

1 Type of practice: Best Practice Country: The Netherlands April, 2014 Best Practices in training of judges and prosecutors Category of practice: Implementation of Training Tools to Favour the Correct Application of EU Law and International Judicial Co-operation Title ...

ITT_37_Netherlands_EU_EU_en en PDF [455 KB]

1 Type of practice: Best Practice Country: The Netherlands April, 2014 Best Practices in training of judges and prosecutors Category of practice: Implementation of Training Tools to Favour the Correct Application of EU Law and International Judicial Co-operation ...

1 Type of practice: Best Practice Country: The Netherlands April, 2014 Best Practices in training of judges and prosecutors Category of practice: Implementation of Training Tools to Favour the Correct Application of EU ...